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PIC Interface with PC

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Member level 2
Jun 2, 2013
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Haii all,
I am developing a temperature measuring system using PIC16F877A .My question is there is any free/open source software(windows) available for monitoring temperature in my PC, ie simply I am sending temperature readings through rs 232 protocol and the software reads that value from computers rs232 port and displaying the temperature that’s all .I don’t know this type of interfacing, I knew only reading displaying with lcd/led etc. If it is possible please give me the name of software’s which can simply configurable.
Thanks in advance....


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ok horace1... but unfortunately i don't know c++ and c# any way i will try ... Thanks horace1

You can use Termite Serial Terminal software. In your PIC code just convert the ADC value to string and send it like "27.23\r\n". Do this whenever current temperature is not equal to previous temperature then you will be able to see the data on PC.

If you want I will write a PIC code for LM35 temperature monitoring using mikroC PRO PIC with UART code.

Thanks Mr milan.rajik .This is the first time i am hearing about the Termite Serial Terminal software,i am also using microc IDE so if u give a sample code for lm35, it will help me a lot.Thank for your time and consideration.


Here I am attaching mikroC PRO PIC project for PIC16F877A at 4 MHz external crystal. I have also attached Proteus 8.2 SP2 format file. If you are using Proteus then you need Proteus 8.2 SP2 to open my Proteus file. If you don't have Proteus 8.2 SP2 but have older version then make the circuit by seeing the posted image. If you are testing in hardware then make connections as in circuit but also add an external oscillator circuit. For oscillator you have to use a 4 MHz crystal with two 22pf or 27pf Ceramic Capacitors. Also add a 10uF electrolytic and 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitors across VDD and VSS pins of PIC and close to PIC.

If you are using demo version of mikroC PRO PIC Compiler then see if the code compiles in it. I think it should as the code is small. If it doesn't compile and if you have cracked version of Compiler then don't compile because it will generate wrong .hex files which will not give the desired results.

Also in mikroC Serial Terminal Utility set baudrate to 9600 bps.

broken link removed


  • PIC16F877A LM35 Based Temperature Monitoring on UART.rar
    78.2 KB · Views: 79
  • simulation ss.png
    simulation ss.png
    36.8 KB · Views: 139
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Thanks Mr.milan.rajik, Its working i checked it thanks for your hard work also.A little doubt, If i connected PIC with PC via Rs232 Port then Terminal software will display the temperature readings as in proteus Virtual screen write?

Yes, Termianl software like Termite or Realterm will display the data as shown in above image. Use Termite it is simple. Set baudrate and COM port properly in Termite.
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    Points: 2
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Ok Mr.milan.rajik,thank you so much...

thank for this awareness it has been so helpful to me but i have to short coming in my project since it is for multi-point (4) temperature monitoring and control. pls i really need help for this plus the coding in c.

thank for this awareness it has been so helpful to me but i have to short coming in my project since it is for multi-point (4) temperature monitoring and control. pls i really need help for this plus the coding in c.
how are your 4 devices connected to the PC? serial, USB, Ethernet, WiFi, Canbus, ?

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