pic based digital view meter

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Full Member level 2
Jul 19, 2009
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hi all can someone lead me to a project i need a pic based 16Fxx digital view meter that can indicate the output volume level in khz eg: 70khz ..74khz..76khz .in other word deviation or modulation meter based with pic.thanks .i cant find anyone one on the net i found one that have only volume without indication .

if you want to measure frequency using pic you can use capture module of pic microcontoller

zeroskj1988 i need a vu meter based on pic to read the modulation on a screen like the old analog vu meter and not a frequency meter .

i mislead by kHZ terms. sorry. when search for VU meter.i found it is full wave based average power indicator.then you can use full wave rectifier ----> filter----->pic adc to measure the level.i suggest trial and error method to calibrate

Your question is confusing.
can someone lead me to a project i need a pic based 16Fxx digital view meter that can indicate the output volume level
This is one part of your question. You need first to get volume level change and then displayed
output volume level in khz eg: 70khz ..74khz..76khz
You need two circuits :First to get volume changed Level measurement in volts, and then Second : get this voltage level converted into Frequency and displayed.
Is it so ?
Raza sorry for the delay yess indeed i need any based pic based modulation meter or analog one i can do it i need to monitor my modulation level meter for the transmitter maximum 76khz to not have overmodulation to calibrate the transmitter thanks all

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