Out of date shapes prventing artwork generation

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Leonard K

Newbie level 6
Aug 28, 2009
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I have a show stopper of a problem with Allegro PCB v15.5. When I go to generate artwork files, it can't do it and complains that there are "Dynamic Shapes Out of Date".

It gives me the option of "Updating" the out of date shapes, and when I click on the "Update to Smooth" button, the log window in Allegro PCB says "Updating dynamic shape (1 of 1) +5V, Boundary/Layer4 @ (4180.0 6465.0)...", but nothing changes.

If I click on "Out of date shapes" in the Drawing Options dialog, it gives me a list of the problem co-ordinates, including 4180,6465, which it says has "No Etch". I can see the out of date boundary in the layout, but for some reason I cannot delete it.

I can try the same thing in an old version of the layout which complains of a bunch of shapes being out of date. When I click on "Update to Smooth" everything updates which allows generation of the artwork files.

Does anyone have a fix or proper procedure for this problem?

- Leonard K

Turn on Boundary only then work your way from those points that indicates are problematic.
In some cases you have no choice but to delete boundary, hence shape and re-do it.
This is a bug in Allegro for Dynamic shapes.


Hello "M":

I also thought it was a bug, but as soon as I enabled the display of all boundaries I was able to see the offending shape outline (empty and old) and delete it. The complaint was that it had "No Etch". Which was true. It was an old outdated shape outline. I guess I still have to get used to the fact that if I can't see something in Allegro PCB Editor, then I can't edit it.

Thanks for your response,
- Leonard K

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