Oscilloscope probe w/ attenuator, accepts 24 volts at BNC connector side ?

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Nov 7, 2006
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Hi friends,

I wish elaborate a user guide to test an equipment whose trigger input connector is BNC type.
My first idea was sugest operator to plug a scopemeter probe, and perform triger by short-circuiting tip (+) to tip (-).

However, this equipment operates with 24V and I don´t Know if all kinds scopemetter probes inner circuitry accepts this range.
I tested with an Tektronik expensive one, and worked fine - nothing fired - but I´m afraid if there is an exceptional case.

Could someone share your opinion ?


The oscilloscope's manual should tell you the maximum input power and/or input voltage for the connections. I would be very hesitant to hook 24V up to the BNC on a scope. Some scopes max out at 5V input, max. Depending on which o-scope the technician has access to on one particular day, it may work fine on some, but may burn out the input circuits on others. I'd look for a better solution... perhaps run the signal into a simple voltage divider circuit or PI pad to knock the levels down to a safe level (< 5V?), then feed that into the scope.

Hi ejunear,

I found this circuit on the Web:

However, I´m not sure if it represents all kinds of scopemetters probes.

It seems that, there are no restrictions regarding components which could be polarized.
Then, once probe can work measuring signals up to houndred volts, internal components are designed to this range, I´m wrong ?
( I´m also considering an advertissement to user doesn´t apply attenuation during operation )


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