Orcad pcb editor help

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Newbie level 1
Apr 23, 2010
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Hi there,

I'm trying to draw a SSOP-28pin symbol in OrCAD PCB editor.You can't find a SSOP-28 pin the library, but there is a SSOP-24 pin. I tried to edit the 24 pin SSOP to make a 28 pin from it, but in vain.Please somebody help me in editing the available SSOP 24-pin to make it into SSOP-28 pin or help me with a link/manual explaining the creation of PCB footprints on OrCAD 16.3.

Thanking you

changing footprint from SSOP-24 to SSOP-28. you just need to add the two extra pins. it can be done in library manager option in Layout plus....
follow below procedure..
Layout Plus->tools->Library manager, library manager window will open...here u can change the footprint...open the SSOP-24 Footprint....then goto view spreadsheet, click footprint option then add new pad ...give exact dimension...

I don't use Orcad but I am sure you will need to add 4 extra pins not 2.

It is often quicker to start again than edit a package like that. When you add the new pins you will have to renumber all of them except the first 12 unless you pick two of the right side and move them across to the left then move the right hand side pins down and add through new pins on the top right (sorry, pads not pins).


Yeah.. u need to add 4 extra pads.... what do u want to design symbol or footprint.?... it always better to do new footprint rather than editing... in orcad you can use pad array generator... it will simplify process of designing the footprint...

I too is facing the same problem with TSSOP- 28 pin in ORCAD 16.3, I could not find any help so far.


Instead of editing the existing footprint better you start making a new one, if have the pad and footprint mechanical details.
If you know the pad details then you can prepare the footprint, with those mechanical dimensions i.e pad to pad gap and IC width....
If you dont have the pad details...just modify an existing pad from tools/pads/modify existing pad....then chose which one is suitable to modify to you..change the dimensions of the pad accordingly...after making of pad is over you just save in that folder... now start preparing foot print...file/new/package...name it as you you want...
then place/pin.. inthat window options ,you can find your pad there... place it somewhere(better place it at 0 0 position..), use the same pin at another location as per mechanical dimensions... better care of pin numbers (you can observe them in options)...ok..it might helpful to you...

Look up and follow IPC-7351...
Learn to do foorptints it is one of the basic and most important skills you will require as a PCB designer, and the correct footprint generation will have a big effect on downline processes such as assembly.
Most of the work has been done in the IPC-7351 specification use it.
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