orcad capture cis invisible pins

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Oct 24, 2005
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Florida, USA
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orcad capture invisible pins


in the capture cis, i want to use some ICs. but those have invisible pins (GND).
how to make them visible? or how to connect a net/line to an invisible pin?

is tied to nets+orcad

Based on OrCAD recommendation under Dos and Don’ts is better to have pins invisible, however, many including myself would like to have pins visible on IC devices.

You can do this two ways at Lib level or schematic level.
Select part RMB Edit Part inside new window select given PWR pin
double click or RMB properties now inside pins editor select "pin Visible"



orcad capture invisible pin


I have a question on a similar subject. So, I've decided to post into this thread instead of making a new one.

How can I turn off the automatic connection of the power pins? Is it possible to turn off automatic power connection for just one part? Is it possible to do it for the whole design?

I'm running OrCAD 10.5.

- Nick

orcad invisible pin

1-right click on part
2- click edit part
3- double click in the gnd pin
4- make visible

error [mnl0019]

carrier said:
1-right click on part
2- click edit part
3- double click in the gnd pin
4- make visible

It's already visible.

I have an IC U6 that has a VCC and GND pins. I've made my own pcakage with 3 parts A,C and C, each having VCC and GND pins. All VCC and GND pins are set as power and visible in the library. In the schematic the U6A VCC pin is explicitly connected to the battery voltage (not the regulated Vcc). The rest of the ICs are explicitly connected to the regulated and designated Vcc. When I generate the netlist, I get the erros that one pin us connected to multiple nets:

ERROR [MNL0019] 'U6.8' is tied to nets 'VBATT' and 'VCC'.
ERROR [MNL0019] 'U6.8' is tied to nets 'VBATT' and 'VCC'.
ERROR [MNL0019] 'U6.4' is tied to nets 'GND' and 'N91867'.
ERROR [MNL0019] 'U6.4' is tied to nets 'GND' and 'N91867'.

So, how can I get rid of these errors?

como hacer invisible el nombre de un pin en orcad

try assigning a external net name for that particular connection.

Added after 1 minutes:

Can you post th esnap shot of the schematic part, which will be helpful and we might get the issue more clearly.

orcad turn off automatic connection

Two solutions for that errors,

1.If ur schematics have dublicate refdes for U6.i.e two U6 part is avilable,its possible to get that errors.if yes change the refdes for second U6 part.

2.Check the parts are genarated under packge type (homogenous r hetrogenous)
correct that issues and genarate netlist

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