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just gotten a triggering cable for my camera. On one end is the 6 pin connector for my camera control port while on the other end in which I am to connect to the triggering source is in a format of optoelecrtonic slotted switch or Optek OPB841W55.
I would need to connect the triggering input(electrical signal) to this switch.... How should I do it? I have search around and found that a rotatary/linear encoder can do the trick but I find the use to be rather queer.... Just wonder whether this is the standard practice? or is there any better methods... this is my first time encountering this switch
just gotten a triggering cable for my camera. On one end is the 6 pin connector for my camera control port while on the other end in which I am to connect to the triggering source is in a format of optoelecrtonic slotted switch or Optek OPB841W55.
I would need to connect the triggering input(electrical signal) to this switch.... How should I do it? I have search around and found that a rotatary/linear encoder can do the trick but I find the use to be rather queer.... Just wonder whether this is the standard practice? or is there any better methods... this is my first time encountering this switch