Opinions on VCS 7.0 software

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Oct 13, 2001
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how about it ?

vcs 7.0

I think VCS is a very fast simulation tool in RTL.
But 7.0 seems not be released by s*y*n*o*p*s*y*s.


yes, not release yet

nanosim vcs a2d

Will VCS 7.0 has NT version?
LDV released 4.0 for NT.

synopsys pub vcs

Will VCS 7.0 has NT version?
I guess no.
More and more synopsys tools do not support windows.
VCS 6.2 has no NT version. VCS 7.0 would not, either. 8O

verilog vcs

Wish it has Linux version !

syntax vcs

However, who can provide the license for VCS 6.2?

You've been warned

I wonder why do they give up the windows market where Cadence IC tools is moving to Linux based PC?

I wonder why do they give up the windows market where Cadence IC tools is moving to Linux based PC?

Porting unix program to linux is easier than to windows.
And you don't need you pay any to microsoft.

For EDA, linux is more stable than windows currently.

I think the vcs 7.0 will support more tools than older version...
ex : vera , formality ...etc , and they don't support NT version...

LDV4.1 hav no nt version too. It seem the LDV4.0 is the last nt version . from ldv4.1 , it add the ABV(Assertion Base Verification) support very different from v4.0 .


VCS 7.0 is released.

where is the press release that it was released.

This is info from the synopsys solvenet site:

Detailed Information for VCS 7.0

Release to CD 04/14/2003
Release to EST 03/10/2003
Release to FTP 01/22/2003

Supported Platforms
DEC 4.0f
HP_UX 11.0,11.0_64bit
IBM AIX 4.3.3
Linux 7.2
SUN Solaris 7,Solaris 7_64bit,Solaris 8,Solaris 8_64bit,Solaris 9,Solaris 9_64bit

EMC integration

Will there be an integration of new EMC tools in VCS?

which one should be selected to learn?
VCS or NC-verilog?


who have the license.dat about lvd 3.4 or 4.0

VCS in only for Verilog

VCS in only for verilog ....
for VHDL Scirocco is there ...

- XaR

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