[SOLVED] NiosII Sytem - Master Thesis! Any Idea?

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Nov 5, 2004
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hello everybody,

I am just about to take my master thesis on digital system design...My supervisor asked me to come with an idea about a NiosII system..............What do you suggest me to do, that will include a niosII system ? We will use the Altera's DE2 board. My field is more vhdl....than c/c++...

any suggestion will be fine
thanx a lot

Hey fasmatikos, a good (and very chalange) idea is to develop a CNC Control. You can design a 3 axis control system, using Quadrature encoder, using the control formulas such as acceleration, speed, PI,PD,PID, etc.
I have used Nios II to develop a Fiscal printer also. THats a much simpler idea, but also good. Try it!!! good luck!!



thanx breno for your suggestion! I will look into it

Every year Altera is holding NIOS II Embedded Processor Design Contest, look on the web on altera.com and see what you can re-use, unless you want to participate there


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Here is a sugestion : fix the nios core ...

You can start by giving it an interrupt system that doesnt require 765 clockticks to start handling it and 422 to return from the interrupt ... ( read the datasheets. interrupt response is horrible on the NIOS. The whole point of an interrupt is so you can tell the cpu : drop whatever you are doing and go do this ... the NIOS II need over 1000 clockticks to do that ... kind of missing the point completely. I tried porting code form an 8051 with 4 interrupts to NIOS. the 8051 could cope at 4 MHZ .. the NIOS would have had to run at over 600 MHZ to have the same response ...... and i was hoping to speed up the 32 bit integer arithmetic by switching form a 8051 to a NIOS core.... duh !)

and while you are at it : give it a true multilevel interrupt system and not that for-next loop they cram into your code behind your back...

wow, this seems more like a phd thesis!!! its a very good and very chalenger idea!!! i liked!!

or make MMU for NIOS

with NIOSII you can do a lot. My friends worked on multimedia project such as image processing, audio processing, equalizer and so on using NIOS II system


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