NIOS 3.1 - how to install this core?

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Newbie level 5
Jul 25, 2002
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opencores background debug

Does anybody use NIOS 3.1 Core? SOPC Builder is integrated into Quartus3.0 and Altera gets free eval license for NIOS Core, but I can't find how to install this core. Where is it?

Re: NIOS 3.1

The Nios core is not free.
I use it and I pay for it.
To use the Nios, first I install Quartus 3.0 and then install NDK (Nios development kit)

Q3.0 do have menu for SoPC, but you can active it only when you install NIOS DK software

Re: NIOS 3.1

Think you got to have a project open for activating sopc builder...

Or at any time use the "mega-bah wizard" and there should also be the installed sopc_builder and cores...

Nios 3.0 is free. As far as I know, there is only one version of Nios, lower than 3.0, not free.

Re: NIOS 3.1

Nios is not free....wonder where you got this information... is included in the nios development kit...and you can freely use the the nios core...

Yes. The nios core is free. development kit is not free.

Re: NIOS 3.1

No, NIOS core is NOT free. You have to pay for it. You can distribute FPGA with NIOS core in it free of license charge - maybe that is your confusion?


Re: NIOS 3.1

Nios is free when it is used for Altera FPGA.But when you use it in ASIC you should pay the license fee!

Re: NIOS 3.1

Yes,I have used nios31 in quartus4!

nios is more expensive on fpga than xilinx

Re: NIOS 3.1

kingkang said:
Nios is free when it is used for @ltera FPGA.But when you use it in ASIC you should pay the license fee!

Can Nios be used in ASIC?? As far as I know it can only be implemented in Altera FPGAs, maybe I am wrong.

NIOS 3.1

the next version of Nios (NiOS II) will be an IP so : the answer is yes !

Re: NIOS 3.1

Hi Guys..

Is there a C (not C++) compiler, other than a GNU text based, for NIOS ?

It's all very nice to have a proc within an FPGA.. But the quality of the proc is more defined through the debugging tools facilities and the quality of the C compiler.. (Though I know people who do not believe this and search their bugs for month onward)..

What debugging software tools exist? (For NIOS) ?

Thank you in advance..


NIOS 3.1

are there NIOS core in QuartusII 4.0?
Dose I need other tools to develop it?

Re: NIOS 3.1

manitooo said:

Hi manitoo.. I suppose GDB could stand for 'general debug'.. something ?

As I am a bit spoiled using background debug tools drom Metrowerks on coldfire and Moto processors, I am used to be able to vhange variables on the fly while processor is running.. Able to force the proc register to certain values.. Able to debug online in C..
All this in a nice GUI showing me C source.. Assembly equivalent, processor register and memory area that I select..

Now my question was is there something similar for NIOS ?


NIOS 3.1

How can i Use nios31 in quartus4? the SOPC Builder did not inlude nios31 core

Re: NIOS 3.1

Because it is a seperate product and comes with a development board mostly...

Please visit the Altera website for such questions....

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