Newbie level 4

I have a following problem: I'd like to enclose my design in a "black box" (something like Edit --> Component --> Create Hierarchy) and protect this with a password (disable the option Push Into Hierarch).
I need to give my design to another university, so that they can perform some simulations with it (incloude it in a larger design) but they shouldn't be able to see how was it built in details (only black box with two inputs and one output).
I have a following problem: I'd like to enclose my design in a "black box" (something like Edit --> Component --> Create Hierarchy) and protect this with a password (disable the option Push Into Hierarch).
I need to give my design to another university, so that they can perform some simulations with it (incloude it in a larger design) but they shouldn't be able to see how was it built in details (only black box with two inputs and one output).