Hello Everyone,
I'm new to ADS EM tool.
I created an 4 layer substrate as the following link in ADS. And want to use EM to run the via of L1 to L2 and L1 to L3.
The method I added the via is draw a circle on the "Cond_M2" layer for L1 to L2, and " Cond_M3"layer for L1 to L3.
Substrate :
Q1) is my method to create the via correct ?
Q2) when I want to get the EM result for L1 to L2, I draw a transmission line on layer 1, and a transmission line on L2, and also draw a circle on "Cond_M2" layer , then de-embedded the port to the edge of the via.
When the length of the transmission line is different, it seems the result is different in high frequency ( over 50 GHz ), even though I de-embedded the port to the same position on two cases, does anyone know the reason ? And which result I should trust ?
The result for both length of the transmission line (blue is the short trace, red is the long trace )
Setup of the via :
Q3). I want to use a simple inductor to model the via, the first one is L1 to L2, the other one is L1 to L3. The methods I used is to get the EM result for the two vias, and use a inductor to fit the curve of the S11 from the EM result. ( the setup schematic is shown in the link below )
But it seems the modeled inductance of the two vias is similar although the length difference between the two vias is different ( the via of L1 to L3 is twice length than L1 to L2 ) . Is my EM setup for the vias correct ? ( similar as question 1 ) , I exported the S2P file from the EM result and connect one pot to GND in the schematic diagram.
Schematic :
I'm new to ADS EM tool.
I created an 4 layer substrate as the following link in ADS. And want to use EM to run the via of L1 to L2 and L1 to L3.
The method I added the via is draw a circle on the "Cond_M2" layer for L1 to L2, and " Cond_M3"layer for L1 to L3.
Substrate :
Q1) is my method to create the via correct ?
Q2) when I want to get the EM result for L1 to L2, I draw a transmission line on layer 1, and a transmission line on L2, and also draw a circle on "Cond_M2" layer , then de-embedded the port to the edge of the via.
When the length of the transmission line is different, it seems the result is different in high frequency ( over 50 GHz ), even though I de-embedded the port to the same position on two cases, does anyone know the reason ? And which result I should trust ?
The result for both length of the transmission line (blue is the short trace, red is the long trace )
Setup of the via :
Q3). I want to use a simple inductor to model the via, the first one is L1 to L2, the other one is L1 to L3. The methods I used is to get the EM result for the two vias, and use a inductor to fit the curve of the S11 from the EM result. ( the setup schematic is shown in the link below )
But it seems the modeled inductance of the two vias is similar although the length difference between the two vias is different ( the via of L1 to L3 is twice length than L1 to L2 ) . Is my EM setup for the vias correct ? ( similar as question 1 ) , I exported the S2P file from the EM result and connect one pot to GND in the schematic diagram.
Schematic :