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Negative Resistance Oscillator Production Fail

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Yigit Yalcinkaya

Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Dec 20, 2022
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Dear Edabord Subscriptions,

I designed a negative resistance oscillator in the X band with a microstrip transmission line resonator. When I simulate the oscillator, I used Microwave Office. I ensured K, B, and Mu1 instability conditions at X oscillation frequency using Default Linear and APLAC Linear. But other frequencies also have instability. I created negative resistance and zero reactance at X frequency. But I besides observed negative resistance and zero reactance before X frequency. I want to say this point Y frequency. There wasn't any instability at the Y frequency. I trusted this. I simulated the oscillators at Harmonic Balance (HB) using OSCAPROBE. I observed oscillation only X frequency. Later, I simulated the oscillator using AXIEM. I achieved oscillation nearly X frequency and nearly the same power (S11). Lastly, I observed oscillations Voltage-Time along a few thousand nanoseconds using APLAC Trans. The oscillation signal wasn't show damping or grow-up. It had stable oscillation at a steady state.

Then, I produced my oscillator. But I couldn't produce Via. I produce only drills into PCB. After, I filled the solder in via. Before I filled the RF Vias, I inserted any tiny wire at RF active Vias. But top and bottom ground Vias are made by only solder. By the way, the laser LPKF burned too much RF lines and footprints. I had to fill it with solder. I was careful with Ft, Fmax and SRF. But my RF Choke hasn't shielded at its top.


When I measured my device, I achieved oscillation at X/3 frequency. My power was the same according to HB.

My question:

How can I explain this shift in frequency? I need to academic paper or book for reference. I know every solder and line adds inductive effects. I followed your old posts. I skimmed through Troubleshooting Analog Circuits.

I suspect other instability frequencies although satisfying the negative resistance condition and instability condition at only one frequency. I had known that stability arrange adding a resistor at the end of the device from my supervisors, Gonzalez, and Les Besser. For this reason, I designed the again oscillator. In this case, my oscillation frequency is equal to Z according to HB. My negative resistance condition is (Z - k). Z is in the C band. k is a few hundred megahertz. I measured the oscillation frequency at (Z-2*k). The difference between X and X/3 is much greater than (Z-2*k).

I can't share my emp file or frequency. I want to explain this shifting frequency. The second production certainly depends on production failure. I couldn't model production failure. I need to reference but I couldn't find any refecence except Troubleshooting Analog Circuits. How can I search for this situation? Can anyone help me?


Can this question appear only to Edabord's members, please?


I really liked Les Besser's stability resistance story when he was younger. It was fun reading your book.

Firstly, you're on a wrong way. The stability is not your concern. The stability is valid for amplifiers only.
Oscillators are chaotic and Closed Loop systems and they should be very careful analysed with CAE tools using with the right parameters.
Second thing is CAE tools are just particular/special calculators, they do not exhibit any intelligency.
Frequency shifting may occur because of bad/rough approximations and wrong estimations in simulator environment.
In order to simulate an oscillator correctly, you should have deep knowledge about "tricks" and "hints".
Models must be very accurate and layout ( if there is ) must definetely be simulated with ALL environment and Boundry Conditions.
If you post your project file as archived format of AWR with Process Library I can say something more concrete.
Realizing of that oscillator may be affected by many factors at X Band. Mechanical Tolerances/manufacturing errors, temperature, Di-Electric inconsistencies, Model discrepencies etc. are few of them.

Actually, I followed the two-port oscillator design approach from Les Besser. For this reason, firstly I designed an amplifier where instability at oscillation frequency. I needed to prove the device's poles right half plane. I analyzed instability for open loop in oscillators.

When I use the HBT transistor for oscillators, I add an extra port between the Base port and resonators. I insert the highest impedance parallel port there (10000 Ohm). Like AWR MO example. And I analyzed open-loop instability.

Can you give me information about "tricks" and "hints" so I have deep knowledge?

I create a layout. I simulate oscillators using AXIEM. What will be Boundry Conditions?

I can't share my project with anyone till September 2023. After, I will forward you.

Best Regards

Actually, I followed the two-port oscillator design approach from Les Besser. For this reason, firstly I designed an amplifier where instability at oscillation frequency. I needed to prove the device's poles right half plane. I analyzed instability for open loop in oscillators.

When I use the HBT transistor for oscillators, I add an extra port between the Base port and resonators. I insert the highest impedance parallel port there (10000 Ohm). Like AWR MO example. And I analyzed open-loop instability.

Can you give me information about "tricks" and "hints" so I have deep knowledge?

I create a layout. I simulate oscillators using AXIEM. What will be Boundry Conditions?

I can't share my project with anyone till September 2023. After, I will forward you.

Best Regards
Checking the stability factor is a different thing, analyzing closed loop in term of poles and zeros or in other words researching instability in a closed loop is a different history.Oscillators are large signal, pretty nonlinear and chaotic systems and therefore small signal analysis of an oscillator helps you to a certain level. But large signal HB analysis will be the right tool for to examine this oscillator. I have a paper ( unfortunately I cannot find in my archive ) that explains this phenomena very deeply.
Hints and tricks are learnt by time, there is no such text and book that unveil these points.
Boundries are importan who are called as "approximation effects" and they may change easily the oscillator frequency.
When you're ready to share with us, we can continue either.

Negative Resistance oscillator performance is very dependent by the quality of the passive components (including quality of the PCB) and also by the active element type. A transistor with Ft_max < 2*fo should be used, because this type of oscillator could be think of a series-tuned Clapp oscillator, with internal capacitances act as voltage dividers.
mmWave transistors with small internal capacitances doesn't work well for low frequency oscillators.
The DC bias of the active component is also critical getting good oscillator performances.
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