need your help (technical Analog layout)

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Newbie level 6
Oct 18, 2007
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someone can help me to improve my skills in the technical of analog layout. (advanced techniques for RF circuit, Audio..)



Read the Book(Tha art of Analog Layout by Alan Hastings) for basics and ask if you have any specific doubts .

1. C Mask Design: Essential Layout Techniques
by Christopher Saint, Judy Saint
2. IC Layout Basics : A Practical Guide
by Christopher Saint Judy Saint
3. The Art of Analog Layout
by Alan Hastings, Roy Alan Hastings
4. Direct Transistor-Level Layout for Digital Blocks
by Prakash Gopalakrishnan, Rob A. Rutenbar
5. CMOS IC LAYOUTConcepts, Methodologies, and Tools
by Dan Clein
6. CMOS Transistor Layout KungFu
by Lee Eng Han and etc

you can read all the books in this world but if you want to do good layout, you need to dirty your hands on real world problems in live projects. factors affecting a layout are much more
layout is a phase just before the tape out usually, so all the pressure due to delay in design phase come to layout engineer. you dont get enough time to do all the things discussed in these theory books.
so the point here is you should recognise what is important and what can be ignored. and this needs exposure to various types of designs.
secondly, depending on the shape and allowed size, your layout will vary a lot. ability to do good a floorplan is key to success. you cant get it from books
i dont say books give nothing. its good to read all the books in the world. but dont go overboard.

i'd say saint books are good enough to get started. read more on your way.

cheers .. good luck

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