Need way to find resistance of path via verificaton

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Full Member level 5
Dec 24, 2008
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resistance of path

Is there any way to find resistance of path(trace) via verificaton other can calculating it manuall??


Re: resistance of path

Hi Deepak,

You can open a test schematic and try placing a resistor instance from tech lib and try changing the properties to the metal for which u want to find out the resistance.
Then you can see the resistance value for that particular metla in the schematic.

If this is not the one your looking for, can you be little clear on your Question.


resistance of path

If you know the parametrs of your path including width ,lenghth and resistivity,you can calculate teh resistance ......

My doubt was if can verirify it anyhow in layout... this point is critical in resistance matching.

Re: resistance of path


The follwoing sentance is not clear
"My doubt was if can verirify it anyhow in layout... this point is critical in resistance matching"

Can you correct the above sentance, so that i can understnad it properly.


resistance of path

iI mean if we can verify that the calcluated resistance and actual resistance of path is same........

this point is critical in resisance matching..

Re: resistance of path

I don't think you can verify it by some tool.
Only way is calculate it manually considering width, lenght and resistivity and don't forget to take in account the VIAS.

Bye Bye

resistance of path

you can layout the path in your layout editor. Use an extraction tool to extract the layout (including parasitic resistance) and simulate .

Re: resistance of path


U can draw, extract and simulate track to compute R, but to effectively capture the effect of trace R, I would recommend to do Reliability analysis which reports Static and dynamic IR drop(which includes drop due to joule heating).

U can chk...Hsimplus

Hope it helps.


resistance of path

you can do the EM/IR drop but not resistance using the tool VAVO(Cadence). But this will cost you too much in terms of $$$.

the cheapest way of computing the resistance of specific path is to do it manually.


resistance of path

Please use parasite extracting command file from your foundry.

Re: resistance of path

As per my knowledge...You need not to calculate the resistance by calculator...write a simple perl script which will take width and length of the trace and it will help you alot...!!!

Also somebody mentioned "To take the VIAs into account while calculating the resistance" Can you please elaborate on this how to do that...???

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