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Need help in understanding vhdl code [STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (TO_UNSIGNED (100, 8))] ?

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Jan 28, 2017
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hello every one, can anyone please tell me what is the value of write_index in the 1st if statement and in the second if statement? and what does the statement STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(100, 8)) mean, does it mean we shud consider vectors from 100 upto 8? kindly reply

  signal write_index	: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

       if(start_signal ='1') then
           write_index <= std_logic_vector (unsigned(write_index) + 1);
       end if;
       if(write_index = STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(100, 8)) then
           last_write <= '1';
       end if;

The first statement tries to "count up" in a combinational process, this will never work in hardware logic.

It could be changed to something meaningful by adding a clock and a clock sensitive condition.
it is functioning under axi_m_clk only i didnt mention, kept it simple, is he counting the number of representation of the std_logic_vectors, means making (8 downto 0) then (9 downto 0) ....and so on?? Ok what is the meaning of the second if statement?
	    if (rising_edge (M_AXI_ACLK)) then                                                              
	      if (M_AXI_ARESETN = '0' or init_txn_pulse = '1') then                                                                
	        -- reset condition                                                                          
	        last_write <= '0';                                                                          
	        --The last write should be associated with a write address ready response                   
	        if (write_index = STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(100, 8)) and M_AXI_AWREADY = '1') then
	          last_write  <= '1';                                                                       
	        end if;                                                                                     
	      end if;                                                                                       
	    end if;                                                                                         
	  end process;

in case of complete process info, what is he doing here [write_index = STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(100, 8))]? i dint understand this one?

It is setting write_index to 100.
The second part:


Is all just a type conversion to get 100 into a std_logic_vector. This shows some poor type choices in the code. write_index should be an unsigned or an integer to avoid so many conversions.
What your code describes is a positive edge triggered DFF an enable and synchronous reset.
I rewrote ( It's function remains absolutely equivalent ) - perhaps it'll be easier to understand this way:

-- Combinatorial Logic
reset_condition <= ( not M_AXI_ARESETN ) or init_txn_pulse ;
last_write_condition <= '1' when write_index = "01100100" and M_AXI_AWREADY = '1' else '0' ;

-- Synchronous logic
process ( M_AXI_ACLK )                                                                               
  if rising_edge ( M_AXI_ACLK ) then -- M_AXI_ACLK is the DFF clock                                                             
    if reset_condition = '1' then -- DFF synchronous reset                                                                                                                                 
      last_write <= '0' ;                                                                          
    elsif last_write_condition = '1' then -- DFF enable                                                                                        	
      last_write <= '1' ;        
    end if;                                                                                     
  end if;                                                                                                                                                                           
end process ;
@op, this is code that has formed due to a few issues. The main issues are two conflicting design philosophies.
1.) Numeric operations can only be used on numeric types. (std_logic_vector has a defined ">", but it should never be used.)
2.) std_logic_vector is required for all ports. (existing code did this, and this remained a prevalent style for a long time.)

There are two solutions to the problem.
1.) std_logic_unsigned/numeric_std_unsigned -- allow std_logic_vector to have numeric operations and be treated as unsigned. (std_logic_unsigned will cause you to not be taken seriously as a developer. numeric_std_unsigned is vhdl2008.)
2.) use numeric types for any ports treated as numbers. (existing code used only std_logic_vector. RAMs are almost always std_logic_vector -- some conversions will still be required.)

Given these options, many developers choose to do neither. Instead they start with a mix of std_logic_vector and unsigned. Eventually they realize that it is annoying to micro-manage types when few mathematical operations are used. This leads to the double-conversion style, where math operators are done by converting std_logic_vector to unsigned, then converting the result back to std_logic_vector. The double conversion style places the micro-management on very few lines of code where math is actually used. This isn't intended as a defense of this style, just an explanation of where it comes from.
@shaiko thanks for editing, he is representing 100 using 8bits and then comparing it with write_index,, Ok got you all

@shaiko thanks for editing, he is representing 100 using 8bits and then comparing it with write_index,, Ok got you all
The "to_unsigned" is necessary because "100" is an integer and because VHDL is a strongly typed language a comparison between an integer and an Unsigned is illegal.
The "to_unsigned" is necessary because "100" is an integer and because VHDL is a strongly typed language a comparison between an integer and an Unsigned is illegal.

Comparison between unsigned and integer is legal as "=" is defined in numeric_std. But comparison between std_logic_vector and integer is not defined in standard VHDL
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