ncelab // synplify_pro // quartus // stratixii

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Newbie level 4
Jul 2, 2008
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Hi everybody
I m designing digital electronic entity to be place in an stratixii fpga.
I m using synplify pro to compile my RTL level design, output file .vqm
Then I generate a vhdl netlist with the quartus software + timing (sdo + vho) in order to simulate this netlist with simvision.
And when I try to elaborate my testbench (which include my top level design netlist) with the ncelab command from cadence, I got thoses errors (all similar to this one):

ncelab: *W,SDFVHSSV: VHDL port corresponding to scalar SDF port "dataa" is a vector <./simulation/ncsim/nce_test_pattern_card_top_vhd.sdo, line 279397>.

And if i go to the mentionned line in the sdo file :
(CELLTYPE "stratixii_lcell_ff")
(INSTANCE \\pio_mux\|sel_22\[2\]\~DUPLICATE\\)
(PORT clk (2501:2501:2501) (2591:2591:2591))
(PORT adatasdata (3129:3129:3129) (3643:3643:3643))
(PORT aclr (2217:2217:2217) (2308:2308:2308))
(PORT ena (1781:1781:1781) (1875:1875:1875))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) regout (109:109:109) (109:109:109))
(IOPATH (posedge aclr) regout (245:245:245) (245:245:245))
) <<<<<<----------XXXXXXXXX here is the mentionned line
(SETUP adatasdata (posedge clk) (104:104:104))
(SETUP ena (posedge clk) (104:104:104))
(HOLD adatasdata (posedge clk) (172:172:172))
(HOLD ena (posedge clk) (172:172:172))

I confused about that, look like the error do not match with sdo file.

I got an answer from altera support :
I have seen similar errors to this before, the error is stating that you have a port type miss match in your design, either data width or data type.

The normal cause of this error is a std_logic port connected to a std_logic_vector (0 downto 0). Some VHDL tools will allow these connections but other will not.

I would recommend checking the top level ports of your design in the .vho for port widths and data types (the .vho is just standard vhdl).

I would also recommend checking you have compiled the Altera VHDL libraries from the correct version of Quartus II.

Actually I had some std_logic connected to std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0).
But not on top level port, on signal and ff_cells.
I removed all the std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) and changed then by std_logic.

And I still have same problems :
ncelab: *W,SDFVHSSV: VHDL port corresponding to scalar SDF port "d" is a vector <./simulation/ncsim/nce_test_pattern_card_top_vhd.sdo, line 545469>.

What can I do ?

Does anybody had been confronted to this problem

Thanks a lot for your help.


Vincent, a bit lost

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