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[SOLVED] [mv]FATAL ERROR while loading design//**Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive lib

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Apr 1, 2016
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I get the following error when i try to simulate a vhdl netlist file(my_design.vhd) with the relative .sdf file .

# ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive library
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /counter File: C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/my_design.vhd Line: UNKNOWN
# FATAL ERROR while loading design
# Error loading design

Anyone knows how can i solve this?

Thank you in advance

Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

Seems you're missing the library for a primitive based on the error message. Did you start vsim with the correct -L <altera_primitive_lib_name> in the command?

Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

This is what i type : "vsim -sdftyp /instance/=C:/Users/designs/my_design.sdf work.my_design_tb"

Should i command this instead "vsim -L work -sdftyp /instance/=C:/Users/designs/my_design.sdf work.my_design_tb"?If so,then the same error occurs.The primitive library is the library that has the cells that my_design uses?Which library is it?
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Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

Looks like Altera does something different than Xilinx.

It appears you are also supposed to compile a .vo file along with your netlist.

See here

Xilinx simply requires you add "-L simprims_ver" to the command.

Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

Looks like Altera does something different than Xilinx.

It appears you are also supposed to compile a .vo file along with your netlist.

See here

Xilinx simply requires you add "-L simprims_ver" to the command.

Yes i have seen this,but i do not understand where can i find this primitive library that i need?

Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

The .vo file is supposed to be produced along with your netlist and SDF according to the support knowledge base.

Maybe there is a switch that you have to enable to generate the .vo file that contains the primitives.

Have you gone through Altera's documentation on doing netlist simulations? I imagine it documents the steps required.

Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

Did you ever do this at some point previously? It kind of seems like the Altera tools expect the primitive libraries are already pre-compiled in their default location.

- - - Updated - - -

I just noticed this is in the wrong section...I'll move it to the programmable logic section

Re: FATAL ERROR while loading design // ** Fatal: SDF files require Altera primitive

Did you ever do this at some point previously? It kind of seems like the Altera tools expect the primitive libraries are already pre-compiled in their default location.

Well,i dont use FPGA i used Synopsys Design Compiler of ASIS to get the vhld gate-level netilist, that's why i think this is not necessairy.I think these precompiled models concern FPGA designs..

So why are you targeting this ASIC design to Altera libraries? If you want an Altera compatible netlist, compile it with Quartus. This is obviously why you are having problems, the netlist produce by DC probably don't have any matching primitives with Altera.
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So why are you targeting this ASIC design to Altera libraries? If you want an Altera compatible netlist, compile it with Quartus. This is obviously why you are having problems, the netlist produce by DC probably don't have any matching primitives with Altera.

That is the problem,i do not think that i target any Altera libraries.The only library that i target is the technology library "fsd0a_a_generiic_core" of my design!I cannot understand why this message occurs..

This is the command i use vsim -L fsd0a_a_generiic_core -sdftyp /instance=my_design.sdf work.my_design_tb

You're obviously using something from Altera as the error is due to library primitives not matching. Are you using the Altera Modelsim (violating the license agreement) to run simulations on an ASIC design? That modelsim version is both slower than the regular Mentor product and is setup to use precompiled Altera libraries (if it's the free version). Compiling the ASIC simulation library will probably exceed the limits of the Altera Modelsim and it will likely take hours to even run 1us simulations.

You should be using the full version of Modelsim from Mentor.
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That was exactly the problem,thank you for your help :)

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