msTicks not counting at all? LPCXpresso with LPC1769 Rev C

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Yeoh Wei Yee

Newbie level 1
Sep 28, 2013
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I am fairly new to ARM processing and I tried using msTicks, which I did before.

The main idea is as long as the accelerometer (aka fall detection) remains a certain threshold, the counter starts counting. After 5 seconds, a SMS will be sent (which I used printf to simulate this).

However the msTicks isn't counting (INITIAL_TIME and CURRENT_TIME), please advise, TYVM

#include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h"
#include "lpc17xx_gpio.h"
#include "lpc17xx_i2c.h"
#include "lpc17xx_ssp.h"
#include "lpc17xx_timer.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <acc.h>
#include <time.h>

#define I2CDEV LPC_I2C2

#define ACCEL_I2C_ADDR		(0x1E)

// LSM303 Accelerometer registry declaration
#define	L3G4200D_CTRL_REG1	0x20
#define	L3G4200D_CTRL_REG4	0x23
#define L3G4200D_OUT_X_L_A	0x28
#define LSM303_CTRL_REG1_A	0x20
#define LSM303_CTRL_REG2_A  0x21
#define LSM303_CTRL_REG4_A	0x23

//Accelerometer low and high for XYZ
//	Expressed as 2's complement
#define LSM303_OUT_X_L_A	0x28
#define LSM303_OUT_X_H_A	0x29
#define LSM303_OUT_Y_L_A	0x2A
#define LSM303_OUT_Y_H_A	0x2B
#define LSM303_OUT_Z_L_A	0x2C
#define LSM303_OUT_Z_H_A	0x2D

#define	LSM303_OUTXH_M		0x03
#define LSM303_MR_REG_M		0x02

//To be used for observing the min and max of data for scaling calculation
int minCurrentX = 0, minCurrentY = 0, minCurrentZ = 0;
int maxCurrentX = 0, maxCurrentY = 0, maxCurrentZ = 0;

// msTicks declaration
volatile uint32_t msTicks;

uint32_t INITIAL_TIME = 0;
uint32_t CURRENT_TIME = 0;

//Function Declaration
void SysTick_Handler(void);
uint32_t GetSysTick (void);
static int i2c_read(uint8_t addr, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
static int i2c_write(uint8_t addr, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
void init_i2c(void);
void accelInit();
void readAccel();
void fallDetection(void);

int fallFlag = 0;

//Accelerometer X, Y, Z declaration (Raw)
int currentX, previousX, deltaX;
int currentY, previousY, deltaY;
int currentZ, previousZ, deltaZ;

//Accelerometer X, Y, Z declaration (Fine)
int fineX;
int fineY;
int fineZ;

//Calibration Parameters
int offsetX = 0;
int offsetY = 0;
int offsetZ = 0;

//Scaling Factor
 * Offset = (max+min) / 2
 * Scaling Factor = 19600 / (max-offset)
 * Data would then be +- 9600~9900
int scaleX = 2.404023;
int scaleY = 2.39;
int scaleZ = 1.93599;

int integralArea; 	//Total energy spike if the stick were to fall down

void SysTick_Handler(void)

uint32_t GetSysTick (void)
	return msTicks;

static int i2c_read(uint8_t addr, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
	I2C_M_SETUP_Type rxsetup;

	rxsetup.sl_addr7bit = addr;
	rxsetup.tx_data = NULL; // Get address to read at writing address
	rxsetup.tx_length = 0;
	rxsetup.rx_data = buf;
	rxsetup.rx_length = len;
	rxsetup.retransmissions_max = 3;

	if (I2C_MasterTransferData(I2CDEV, &rxsetup, I2C_TRANSFER_POLLING) == SUCCESS)
		return (0);
		//print_line("I2C Read Error");
		return (-1);

static int i2c_write(uint8_t addr, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
	I2C_M_SETUP_Type txsetup;

	txsetup.sl_addr7bit = addr;
	txsetup.tx_data = buf;
	txsetup.tx_length = len;
	txsetup.rx_data = NULL;
	txsetup.rx_length = 0;
	txsetup.retransmissions_max = 3;

	if (I2C_MasterTransferData(I2CDEV, &txsetup, I2C_TRANSFER_POLLING) == SUCCESS)
		return (0);
		//print_line("I2C Write Error");
		return (-1);

void init_i2c(void)
	PINSEL_CFG_Type PinCfg;

	/*Initialize I2C pin connect*/
	PinCfg.Funcnum = 2;
	PinCfg.Pinnum = 10; //p0.10 SDA2
	PinCfg.Portnum = 0;
	PinCfg.Pinnum = 11;//p0.11 SCL2

	// Initialize I2C peripheral
	I2C_Init(LPC_I2C2, 100000);

	/* Enable I2C1 operation */


void accelInit()
	uint8_t buf[2];

	buf[0] = LSM303_CTRL_REG1_A; //Registry 1
	buf[1] = 0x37;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 2);

	buf[0] = LSM303_CTRL_REG2_A; //Registry 2
	buf[1] = 0x58;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 2);

void readAccel()
	uint8_t buf[1];
	int16_t data = 0;

	//Read lower bits and push to data (X)
	buf[0] = LSM303_OUT_X_L_A;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	i2c_read(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	data = buf[0];

	//Read upper bits and push to data (X)
	buf[0] = LSM303_OUT_X_H_A;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	i2c_read(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	data = (int16_t)(buf[0] << 8 | data);

	currentX = data;

	//Read lower bits and push to data (Y)
	buf[0] = LSM303_OUT_Y_L_A;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	i2c_read(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	data = buf[0];

	//Read upper bits and push to data (Y)
	buf[0] = LSM303_OUT_Y_H_A;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	i2c_read(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	data = (int16_t)(buf[0] << 8 | data);

	currentY = data;

	//Read lower bits and push to data (Z)
	buf[0] = LSM303_OUT_Z_L_A;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	i2c_read(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	data = buf[0];

	//Read upper bits and push to data (Z)
	buf[0] = LSM303_OUT_Z_H_A;
	i2c_write(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	i2c_read(ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1);
	data = (int16_t)(buf[0] << 8 | data);

	currentZ = data;

	//Fine data after processing
	fineX = (currentX - offsetX) * scaleX / 2;
	fineY = (currentY - offsetY) * scaleY / 2;
	fineZ = (currentZ - offsetZ) * scaleZ / 2;

	 * Temporary min/max Current XYZ
	 * Gets highest and lowest value for ease of sclaing calculation
	if(currentX > maxCurrentX)
		maxCurrentX = currentX;
	if(currentX < minCurrentX)
		minCurrentX = currentX;
	if(currentY > maxCurrentY)
		maxCurrentY = currentY;
	if(currentY < minCurrentY)
		minCurrentY = currentY;
	if(currentZ > maxCurrentZ)
		maxCurrentZ = currentZ;
	if(currentZ < minCurrentZ)
		minCurrentZ = currentZ;

void fallDetection(void)

	time_t now;
	struct tm *info;
	info = gmtime(&now);

	//Get absolute value of difference
	deltaX = fabs(fineX - previousX);
	deltaY = fabs(fineY - previousY);
	deltaZ = fabs(fineZ - previousZ);

	//Integral area
	integralArea = sqrt(pow(fineX,2)+pow(fineY,2)+pow(fineZ,2));

	 *Set a max delta change, preferably for X as main delta.
	 *Set Y and/or Z as secondary spike of a min value delta change
	 *Set Integral Area of about 1185~2000
	//Fallen down conditions
	//if(integralArea >= 1500 && (deltaX >= 500 || deltaY >= 500) && deltaZ <=500)
	if( integralArea >= 1200 && deltaX >= 600 && (deltaY <= 700 || deltaZ <= 700) && fineX > -1000
			&& previousX < fineX)
		printf("FALLEN DOWN! \n");
		//printf("%s\n\n",ctime(&now)); //Time zone not to SGT
		printf("%2d:%02d hours\n\n", (info->tm_hour+8)%24, info->tm_min); //Time zone should be SGT now
		fallFlag = 1;
		INITIAL_TIME = msTicks;

	//Push to previous data so that new data can be updated with currentXYZ
	previousX = fineX;
	previousY = fineY;
	previousZ = fineZ;

	if(fallFlag == 1)
	[COLOR="#B22222"]	while(fineX >= -1000) //While accelerometer is in lying down position
			CURRENT_TIME = msTicks;

			if((CURRENT_TIME - INITIAL_TIME) >= 5000)
				printf("\nSMS sent\n");
				fallFlag = 0;

int main (void)


	return 0;

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