[Moved]why linux does not get infected

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raksha singh

Member level 4
Feb 14, 2011
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Hello all,

I have been told that Linux PCs do not get viruses.
Is this true and why is it true in laymans terms?
I am glad because my old windows was always getting slowed down and needed anti virus software but why does Linux not get infected and should I install anti virus software just in case?


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Re: why linux does not get infected

Linux is not completely virus free. But It is more immune to viruses than windows because
By default, most Linux distributions wisely set you up as a lower-privilege user, with a type of account that generally can't allow malicious code to take over the system. Were you to somehow permit a Linux virus or worm to run on your computer, the fact that you are not logged in on the all-powerful root account prevents the malware from attacking the system's (and other users') files. That's why you typically have to log in as root (with the root password) to change Linux system configurations. In contrast, the default Windows XP user account is the full-privilege administrator, which gives viruses and other threats greater leeway to infect and damage the PC.

Read full article here
**broken link removed**

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Re: why linux does not get infected

No Operating System (OS) is "immune." But linux users are a rare bunch and viruses written for this OS are very rare. You will probably never see a virus, nor need anti-virus because of this lack of interest by attackers. Should a skilled attacker become individually interested with you, then I don't want you to think that linux is impervious. A lesson naive MAC users are learning now.... Although it is harder to get infected, don't for a moment imagine that Linux is invulnerable to viruses, worms, rootkits or anything else that's out there. As a matter of fact, your attitude and assumption that it is impossible to get infected if you use Linux is the greatest security hole in the whole system.
Re: why linux does not get infected

Also read **broken link removed** in my opinion one of the best reading source.

The biggest security hole in any OS is sitting between the chair and keyboard, MAC guys learn it (I hope), and also many Ubuntu users when they installed a fake screensaver, nevertheless in a few hours since fake screensaver was detected, Ubuntu community gave a solution.

A simple reason is
1. The file system in LINUX is different than windows.. and
2. Linux has only one root user and others have to login in and work... so they dont have direct access to kernel. Since kernel is safeguarded from the virus it is not affected. the virus could prop into if the root user induces the virus or give way to access....
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