[MOVED]CNC a pcb designed by Eagle (Administrator/moderator check please)

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Member level 2
Mar 14, 2010
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(For Administrator check)
I am not sure if this post is in the right place, please move it if needed.

After a lot of struggling to cnc machine a board designed in Eagle, finally succeeded with a test board (many thanks to all forums on the internet).

Now switching to a board I am going to use, which has 7 of LM7809 to supply power for hobby servo motors, I'm faced with the problem of having vias' and parts and holes in different drill sizes.

If I attach a drill bit of my vias' size - which is 0.6mm - and load the g-code file to Mach3, it will attempt to drill all, i.e. vias, components' pads, holes and will break the drill bit of 0.6mm.

I need to be able to get either of these done:
1. Some how command eagle to make all vias and pads etc. drill sizes equal (to 1mm I need) before auto-routing (I have ground plane defined too), or
2. Get separate g-code file for separate drilling layers (like for vias, pads, holes), but I didn't find an option so that I could choose g-code related to a layer (in pcb-gcode ulp).

Could anyone help with some ideas what better/easier to do please?

I am not sure there is an easy way of changing all the drills in Eagle. You can set the via size before routing but that won't affect library components. To change it after routing you could turn every layer off except vias & drills, select everything and change the drill to 1mm but then you will probably have a lot of clearance errors. Also, that won't affect drills within components. Mind you, if you have drills larger than 1mm in a component, presumably they need to be >1mm.


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