Modelsim license server no response

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Feb 5, 2021
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Hi, first, thanks for reading -
I am attempting to use ModelSim student edition, but cannot obtain the license, because at the end of the installation process, internet explorer successfully opens up to what seems like a generated URL, the server is active and ping-able, but the server does not respond at that URL that is generated. Anyone else experience this / know how to solve it?

yall the bestest


The IP address had better be a machine with
the license server program running. If you are
the first user (installation indicates so) you may
also need to install license server at the far end.
Or maybe the address is bogus and you need
to make the "server" sit on the local host, still
the server is its own thing and needs to be set

I think I forgot to mention that the server in question is, so I have no control over the server, my only need is a license file. the target is allegedly a license request form


Well if it is a problem with a server, why are you asking for help on edaboard? You should be asking for support on the Mentor site.

Because my classmates were able to get the license file using the same method - so i assume there there is a problem with the way that my computer is configured - i.e. perhaps there is something blocking the installer from passing critical information to internet explorer (the browser they insist on invoking) and also the mentor site is subscription only. Sorry if its a bother, my professor is stumped, the IT department is stumped im frustrated, and using whatever resources i can find to solve this problem. i've spent like 12 hours just trying to get started so, any ideas are great

Win Firewall should not be blocking Modelsim. Recheck that!

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