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I am about to start a project that uses a pic18f24J11 chip which is 3.3v, also I have a sim800L gsm board that is 3.3v and I believe I can connect this board directly to the micro-controller pins, however I have a 5v i2c LCD display now will the i2c line need some sort of level shifter because the display is 5v and the chip is 3.3v ?
I am about to start a project that uses a pic18f24J11 chip which is 3.3v, also I have a sim800L gsm board that is 3.3v and I believe I can connect this board directly to the micro-controller pins, however I have a 5v i2c LCD display now will the i2c line need some sort of level shifter because the display is 5v and the chip is 3.3v ?