Junior Member level 2

In my project, i am interfacing 89s51 with drill machine's motor. (The block diagram is in the attachment). The sensor generates pulse when gear is passed in front of it. After specified pulses 89s51 stops the motor and when direction is reversed the motor moves in other direction (through other contactor not shown). The required result is achieved but when the contactors are energized it sometimes RESETS the controller and sometimes shows unwanted character on LCD.
I have not connected any buffers or opto-couplers in this design.
PLEASE help me to get rid of the resetting problem and also suggest me some buffers or opto-coupler ICs or any other IC that is required with this design.
I have not connected any buffers or opto-couplers in this design.
PLEASE help me to get rid of the resetting problem and also suggest me some buffers or opto-coupler ICs or any other IC that is required with this design.