Microcontroller implementation with xilinx spartan3 xc3s400

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 2, 2009
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I have designed a VHDL code for fuzzy logic microcontroller. Code is working fine and simulation results are as expected. I am trying to burn the same code on xilinx spartan3 kit that i mentioned. I am using xilinx ise 9.2i for code simulation and testing. And iMPACT to burn the code into xilinx over a jtag link. I have successfully implemented other combinational as well as sequential units(with clock) on FPGA so it can be assumed that the method i am following is correct.
Now, when i burn the code of my microcontroller i get that message that programming is successful and done LED glows. But I am not getting the output. I am new in the field of FPGAs so I am unable to find way out. My microcontroller has quite a few of memory files as i need to maintain databases for fuzzy logic operation. And i think memory can be the possible reason of some error.

Is there any different method for configuring memory on FPGA or it is done just like other units?

Or is there any method by which i can debug working of my microcontroller when burnt in FPGA?

If you can help with anything it would be greatly appriciated!!

Please help sooner as my submission date is nearing

thanks a lot for reading all this

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Re: Microcontroller implementation with xilinx spartan3 xc3s


Please check the post route simulation.Is it working properly ?????

How you are giving the RESET to your system ???? ,

R u using any block RAM memory in your design ?????

Re: Microcontroller implementation with xilinx spartan3 xc3s

Hello libintt,
First of all thank you very much for showing interest.
Well post route simulation sounds a very good idea, but now i am at home so i will test it tomorrow when i go to my lab and will let you know about it.

Regarding reset, first i configured reset for my system same as reset for xilinx kit but it did not work out so i assigned reset to one of the input pins. So i am giving reset to my system using on board DIP switch, Is there any problem with this?

And yes, I am using block RAM memory. Two memory blocks are entirely RAM memory(64 bytes each with 6 bit address line). There are five ROM memory blocks(two are 8 bytes, two are 256 bytes and one is 64 bytes) and finally i have main memory block (64 Kb) with first 32 kb of ROM memory and next 32 Kb of RAM memory.

For using memory blocks as ROM I have initialized fragments of concern with certain values rest of it i have kept undefined as i wont be accessing it for given application. And i have kept just read signal and no write signal. I assume this is correct way of treating it as ROM memory. For RAM, it is updated by ALU and read afterwards when required.

And i have general purpose register file and i have coded it on similar lines as RAM.

I hope this helps you understand it quite well. If not, please find attached .rar archive with code for memory blocks

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