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MDU2657 AND 2654 help witch choosing alternative one

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May 3, 2013
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Hello i'm Daniel and i'm new on this forum but from the start i need your help.
My problem is that mosfets on my gpu are burned (3of them) . My gpu has 2 types of mosfet:
MDU 2654- I asked main eu director to send me datasheet and i got this **broken link removed**
MDU 2657 **broken link removed**
Thanks to main director of Magnachip he also sent me alternative chips ,but i don't know which i should choose :
**broken link removed** MDU1515
**broken link removed** MDU1512
**broken link removed** MDU1516
In my opinion best for replacing MDU2654 is MDU1512
About MDU2657 i think MDU1515 should be good
What would happen if i put 100A 3.4Ohm (1516) instead of 2657 (61A 7,5 ohm) ?
Thanks for your effort
AD. that's how my gpu looks like

Generally, as long as the current rating is not lower than the original it will be OK to use. Lower Rds (I presume that's what your numbers are) will make it slighly more efficient, it should run slightly cooler. The numbers are in milli-Ohms, not Ohms by the way.

Good luck fitting replacements, they can be quite difficult to remove from the board.


Better question is if i can replace all damaged mosfet to 100A 3.5 mOhm (even those 60A)? Won't the difference damage my system more
Thanks for correcting me ;)

It shouldn't.

The limitation is the heat they produce and that is calculated by the current through them multiplied by Rds. (W = I^2 * Rds) so using a FET with lower Rds should mean it produces less heat. The limit of 60A or 100A is how much they can safely carry, a higher rating means a wider safety margin.


Can u also send me similar FETs i can use and more importantly buy because even if i got propositions of MDU15XX i don't know where to buy them , about old MDU26XX i can find "57" on ebay ,but "54" only from china . I have got info bout this 42n03(BSC042N03S) ,but it looks "weaker" and higher Rds even compared to the MDU2654

I would not advise you use devices with higher Rds.

Most of these types of component are purchased in 1,000 up quantities by the board manufacturer and are not available in small quantities. You could try contacting the device manufacturer for samples or even the board manaufacturer but I warn you thay can be difficult to source. It may be more economical for you to send the board back to their service department for repair. Do you have suitable desoldering and resoldering equipment to do repairs yourself? A normal soldering iron will probably damage the board.

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I would not advise you use devices with higher Rds.

Most of these types of component are purchased in 1,000 up quantities by the board manufacturer and are not available in small quantities. You could try contacting the device manufacturer for samples or even the board manaufacturer but I warn you thay can be difficult to source. It may be more economical for you to send the board back to their service department for repair. Do you have suitable desoldering and resoldering equipment to do repairs yourself? A normal soldering iron will probably damage the board.


After mailing with mosfet manufacturer . I will have few samples of MDU1511( 100A , 2,4mOhm ) i think those will be way better ,and cooler than previous.

The problem with service department is that Nvidia ( i have GPU directly made by Nvidia) isn't responding for my mails ,facebook . Their support is pitful.

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