matlab & cadence co-simulation

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Jan 3, 2006
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cadence matlab

Does anybody use matlab & cadence co-simulation?

matlab cadence

What do u mean by co-simulation?
You can use MATLAB to further process the data got from CADENCE.

matlab cadence cosimulation

there is an option in ADE. An there is an element in analogLib for the connection to MATLAB.

aptiva cadence

Oh, I don't know about this.
Which cell is it in analogLib?

cosimulation matlab verilog a

so we can analyze our cadence circuits on matlab ?
net list or schematic or layout ....? which one ?

ncelab couple_init

COuld you please give more details on that?

matlab co-simulation cadence

I used in aptiva various matlab functions a few years ago to analyze simulation results of an adc. Which version of ADE or ic respectivley, supports matlab? Further is a matlab tollbox necessary for cosimulation`.


cadence matlab export signal

the instance: simulinkCoupler

Added after 1 minutes:

I have just seen this instance on analogLib, that's why I asked...

Added after 2 minutes:

and also in ADE, in the menu: Setup/ Matlab/Simulink

cadence simulin/interface

can any one give description
about how transfer data from cadence to matlab

analoglib simulinkcoupler

hi drabos!

could you send some more information about the cadence simulink interface because i coudn't find any doc about that issue. Which ic version supports that tool?


cadence aptiva


Did anybody have any success in using the co simulation interface?

I am just starting to look into using cadence with simulink.

Following on from the last post the system requirements (from cadence website) are:

Cadence recommends that you use Cadence software version MMSIM 6.1 USR1 or later. With MMSIM 6.1 USR1 and MMSIM 6.2, use MATLAB R14 or MATLAB 2006. With MMSIM 6.2 USR1, use MATLAB 2007B or later


mmsim 6.1

Cadence only support matlab & AMS co-simulation. You should setup one mixed-signal simulation testbench and select ams simulator. Then you add the interface element to simulink/composer. At last run matlab and ams simultaneously.

ade matlab

is anybody familiar with how to use cadence AMS and matlab co-sumulation. when I do it, the cadence tools tell me such messange.
ncvlog: 05.81-p002: (c) Copyright 1995-2006 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
file: /home/iroi/AMS-MATLAB/simulation/tb_ieee_802_11a_demo_template/ams/config/netlist/ihnl/AMSDcouple/tb_ieee_802_11a_demo_template/schematic/verilog.vams

module AMSDcouple.tb_ieee_802_11a_demo_template:schematic
errors: 0, warnings: 0
Successfully compiled ('AMSDcouple' 'tb_ieee_802_11a_demo_template' 'schematic').

Compilation successful.
ncelab: 05.81-p002: (c) Copyright 1995-2006 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Elaborating the design hierarchy:

Discipline resolution Pass...

Building instance overlay tables: ....

$couple_init(`MODULE_NAME, hostName);

ncelab: *E,NOTSYT (./ihnl/AMSDcouple/coupler_2_3_a/verilogams/verilog.vams,89|11): Unrecognized system task or function (did not match built-in or user-defined names) [2.7.4(IEEE Std 1364-2001)].

If item was defined in a shared-object library, the problem could be: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

$set_access_readwrite(trigg, i0, i1, o0, o1, o2);

ncelab: *E,NOTSYT (./ihnl/AMSDcouple/coupler_2_3_a/verilogams/verilog.vams,91|20): Unrecognized system task or function (did not match built-in or user-defined names) [2.7.4(IEEE Std 1364-2001)]. ................ Done
ncelab: Memory Usage - 14.4M program + 65.7M data = 80.2M total
ncelab: CPU Usage - 1.1s system + 0.1s user = 1.2s total (1.3s, 93.2% cpu)
Failed to elaborate ("AMSDcouple" "tb_ieee_802_11a_demo_template" "config").

please tell me how to solve it. thanks.

ads cadence cosimulation

Please i want some help in using fdatool in matlab. I designed my filter but don't know how to apply it to my signal.

I do export the filter as an object or to workspace or as an SOS matrix, or even as an m-file. But i can't apply this filter to my original signal.
How can i get that.

Or if u suggest any other method for me to design a BPF and apply it to my signal.
I've really got confused.
Thanks in advance.

Re: mmsim 6.1

I am trying to run Cadence and Simulink Co simulation using the SimCoupler module provided in the cadence amsdMatSim tutorial.
However the .mex files provided in this tutorial does not match my linux version.
Does anyone know the source to SimCoupler.c file?

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