[SOLVED] Low, Very Low and Ultra Low Specification Differences.

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Krishnasai GA

How do we basically classify Low, Very Low and Ultra Low VLSI operations.
What are the specifications differences (main query)
Any differential definition between the three operations will be helpful (Secondary query)
Thanks in Advance

I think that's a question for the marketing department. Those are pretty subjective terms; I don't think there's any specification for them.

Low, Very Low and Ultra Low VLSI operations
Not even an understandable question. Are you possibly talking about low power VLSI?

There is no clear binding definition of what Low, Very Low and Ultra Low means. Each supplier has his own (marketing) definition. It is also a moving target in time for each product group or class of products. The best is to take a product group(quad operation amplifier) and compare the power the different supplier and their definition in the three categories. My guess would be you find "Low Power" OPamp at <1mA, "Very Low Power" OPamp at <100uA and "Ultra Low Power" at <100nA.

Enjoy your design work!


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