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looking for Racal Dana 9087 service manual ?

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Dec 25, 2001
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racal-dana 9300b manual

does anyone know how to get service/operator manual for
The Racal Dana 9087 Rf signal Generator

I recently bougth this generator and only "error 80" appear on the display.
any help will be very appreciate.
Thanks in advance

racal 9087

You bought it on ebay , am I right ???
bloody heating problem ...
I am looking for the same stuff


    Points: 2
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adret 7200a

Error code 80=Reference-generator loop out of lock.

If you experience an error code 80, check rear internal/external frequency standard reference switch.

Several have been found intermittant.
OR internal oscilator 9442-5 problem.
Check for 5 or 10mhz output on internal oscilator 9442-5.


    Points: 2
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racal 9300b

I contacted RACAL EADS US and they told me the following about this rig :

discontinued in 1998
made by RACAL UK which shutdown and nobody at RACAL's can service these rigs

I gess the necessary fixture to reprogram the ROMS in case of loss have been scrapped


racal dana 9087

F6iib wrote:

Enquiry: looking for Racal Dana 9087 service manual ?
can you send the pdfs of the service manuals

Sorry Patrick I haven’t got any PDF, only a photocopy from the instruction/technical manual.

It is big and low quality for scanning, and it doesn’t contain any information for the factory sealed modules (int.freq.standard, attenuator assembly, comb loop module, ref and LF synth. Module, output system module and FM system module).

Maybe I can help you if you describe me the problem.
Also years ago I made copies from the Processor board 10 PROMS, tell me if you
need those files.

My software revision number is 22.8 553-0 (SPECIAL FUNCTION 22).

Regards Takis


    Points: 2
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racal dana 1992 manual

that's ok for the PROM files ....
can send to


    Points: 2
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racal 9087 eprom

HI thanks your all for your very appreciate help.
i've bought the maintenence manual from a uk seller at the modest price of 60 Gpb.
when it arrive i'll check my generator

racal dana 9087 manual pdf

I didn't buy a RACAL 9087
A ebay member told me the Following :

"I know Racal no longer support these unit and have given all test equipment to Electroservices Ltd Uk. Repair of these units is between £500 and £1500. Over the next 18 months the MOD as about '500' of these units to get ride off !!!....some inside information ..."

I Guess the MOD is the "Ministry of Defense"
so there should be a lot of these units around ....if this guy says true stuff
The guy , papko, told me he had a palette for sale ....
I you happen to have the time to scan the Manual send me a copy
just in case one day I buy one ....
If I were I would scan that stuff and sell the CD on ebay .... lol
to get some little money back
I already have RACAL 1992 Freq counter and all the service/user doc in pdf
If I can buy one ( 9087 ) for 30 quids , less then the carriage fees , could be worth
if there is no errors whatever ....

Hope you can enjoy using this nice equipment

Added after 1 minutes:

read : If I were You I would scan .....

racal 9087 error 81

someone who used to service these rigs gave me the following information

I quote

"error 80 ...
there are 2 fault conditions with
error 80 attached ,he give me clue as the fault and it would just the cost of a switch
this can be verified by a 10mhz 1vpep sig to rear input port
this should clear the fault 80.if still faulty then it's ref module
there ae 2 osc in the unit that causes the lock "

hope helps ... did u get the doc ???

racal dana manuals

hi ya everyone.
Thank your all for your help, i hope this topics will be usefull also for other unlucky ppls who bought the generator with this error :D

Sorry Patrick i didn't received the manual yet,I hope to have it next week,
I let you know.

Anyway i'm starting to try to fix the generator.

10 Mhz @ 1Vpp present
5 Mhz From Xtal oscillator present.
Injected 10 Mhz 1- 1,5Vpp to Ext ref

:cry::cry::cry:Still same problem " Error 80!":cry::cry::cry:
Any suggestion :?:

racal 9087 repair

I shall ask this nice chap what to do
I shall ask him the complete ROMS files as well and the scematic for the fixtures ....

if he has time to answer ( hope so ... )
next Monday

Added after 9 minutes:

By the way I would like a copy of the manual
I can give you some little money, but not too much ...
But I know a HAM radio guy who is looking for it ... could ask him
if He wants a copy ... so your can get some little money back ...
tell me what u think
I want to put it on bama **broken link removed** , I mean the pdf files ....
I just put the RACAL 1992 user & maint. manuals on the site
nice site .... not so good for the manuals dealers .... lol
acltually I just bought the ADRET 730A manuals ( I have one here ) from
telford lately ...
no way to get any free pdf from the entire web ... pretty much like the 9087 !!!

iw5el and racal

The Ham radio guy already bougth the b. manual
Why can't ebay buyers contact each other to only buy one and
share the price easy on EBay

Added after 6 minutes:

I send some pictures of the inside , read as well
I someone can explain what to do to solve the 80 error
should be easy starting from there

racal-dana 9087

put back the PROM files ; see above in the thread for the author ....

racal dana 9300b

I had some insights from someone who knows much much better than me .... lol
so I quote

"assume that 10 mhz 1vpep input to rear osc
and set switch to ext input did not work....
next job verify 10 mhz output at rear. check with freq counter
1 khz at 2v / 400hz at 2v check with dvm ac setting
Reading after 20 mins should be 2.00v +- 25mv
Press init to reset unit should read 100mhz @ -30dBm
Error flashing 80
Tune freq to 150mhz check if error goes
Tune to freq 600mhz check again
The error will auto go if unit correct??
If no change?? check rear switch working ok
If not happy change switch if unsure change switch"

I didn't have the time to try this out
hope this could help others


    Points: 2
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racal dana 9301a manual on pdf

H ya your all!

I received the xerox copy of the Maintenence manual, damn is very big almost 256 pages.
So i'll scan it wheni 'll have some free time.

I've found the sealed module called 11-1534 "reference generator and LF synthesizer module broken.
it seems to have problems in the main loop.
Unfortunately the maintenence manual has not any schemtic of sealed module.
finger Crossed! i will check it soon :D

f6iib said:
I had some insights from someone who knows much much better than me .... lol
so I quote

"assume that 10 mhz 1vpep input to rear osc
and set switch to ext input did not work....
next job verify 10 mhz output at rear. check with freq counter
1 khz at 2v / 400hz at 2v check with dvm ac setting
Reading after 20 mins should be 2.00v +- 25mv
Press init to reset unit should read 100mhz @ -30dBm
Error flashing 80
Tune freq to 150mhz check if error goes
Tune to freq 600mhz check again
The error will auto go if unit correct??
If no change?? check rear switch working ok
If not happy change switch if unsure change switch"

I didn't have the time to try this out
hope this could help others

racal 9442/5

Could you post pictures of your rig
sealed unit inside ....
Front side as well

racal dana 1998

Sure i will post also the pictures as soon as possible with a descripion of the action takes

f6iib said:
Could you post pictures of your rig
sealed unit inside ....
Front side as well

racal 9300b manual

9087 rear pictures
for sale on ebay
this one has no options and the bloody 80 error ....................

bama edebris

email me on with all the necessary info
so I can forward this to someone who knows ...
I need the serial number , revision numbers etc ....
if there are any sticker whatever ....
the company that service these rigs is still making a lot of money on them
so It is really difficult to get the info

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