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Looking for a VHDL code fo VGA controller

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Advanced Member level 2
Advanced Member level 2
May 25, 2004
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i have the altium live design evaluation kit and it comes with a vga core but i want to make my own. the problem is that there are three bits for each color (Red Green and Blue). all the tutorials that i have seen use one bit for each.

can somebody give me some directions for making my own vga controller. i have also attatched the vga interface of my development board.

vhdl vga controller

Dear Sam
See the following application note from Xess
Hope this helps you...
**broken link removed**


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verilog code for vga

i really like the XESS applications notes for VGA related cores. but the problem is that they are all in VHDL, whereas i dont know VHDL. can you come out with something in verilog?????

verilog code vga controller


be a little bit intelligent...don't expect that somebody tells you everything,after all
it is you that is doing the project.

Use the LSB for each of the colors!
Whether is 0 or 1 this will turn OFF or ON that color on that pixel.

Hope that you figure out how the rest works!!!



vga controller verilog

The resistors control the intensity. Your kit uses 3 resistors to control the intensity so you 2^9 =512 different combinations. If your application doesn't need this you can just ignore them by connecting two of the resistors to zero and use the third for off and on like maXer said.

vga controller code

you guys are not getting the point. i want to make a vga controller that uses 3 bits for each color. i actually want to generate 512 different combinations

verilog vga controller

samcheetah said:
you guys are not getting the point. i want to make a vga controller that uses 3 bits for each color. i actually want to generate 512 different combinations
So your only problem is that you can't find a ready-made verilog code for this?:|

vga controller vhdl code

hell man than why don't you just use all 3 bits for each color, that circuit is nothing more than the simplest D/A converter in the world....

instead of using one bit for each color use all three for each color,well of course you will have to create a H/V sync module in verilog for that but it is the same as the ones that already exist in vhdl.
You can't expect to find a ready code for you...


vga controller verilog module

actually yes, i wanted ready-made code for this because the vga controller is just a small part of my project. i dont feel the need to build it myself.

i know what the circuit is and i know how it works and i know what inputs will give what type of outputs bla bla bla. i know what i should write in verilog bla bla bla.

you guys dont get my point. i said in my first post that i want verilog code that will let me drive three bits for each color because i thought that a nice colorful display might be a good idea and might impress the people who will evaluate my project.

anyway thanx, for nothing!!!

vga verilog code

samcheetah said:
actually yes, i wanted ready-made code for this because the vga controller is just a small part of my project. i dont feel the need to build it myself.

i know what the circuit is and i know how it works and i know what inputs will give what type of outputs bla bla bla. i know what i should write in verilog bla bla bla.

you guys dont get my point. i said in my first post that i want verilog code that will let me drive three bits for each color because i thought that a nice colorful display might be a good idea and might impress the people who will evaluate my project.

anyway thanx, for nothing!!!

You didn't say that in your first post.
can somebody give me some directions for making my own vga controller

code verilog vga

i'm sorry to hear that!!!

First i want to say that i don't have or own a verilog vga code like the one you are asking about!I usually program in vhdl.Second if you do a search in forums you can see that i was asking for a similar code in vhdl times ago, but as i saw that i couldn't expect someone to do it for me i did everything by myself!However i never thought that here is the place to find things easily and without working but as a place where i could ask for help or oppinions or to solve something i couldn't get by myself.The point is that people here can offer help to you but you should work by yourself we can only give you a hand!

regarding to what you explained before i'm telling that first you need a horizontal/vertical sync module and by looking on xess site i think you can find one
If you can't find that than get a vhdl module on the same site and use xhdl converter and make your own adaptions.Your applications notes are only for one bit on each color,ok you have to make a memory 3 times larger so basically you should have 3 vga controllers that work on the same time,their outputs should be directed on the respective outputs of RGB colors.Sure you will not have to do this in 3 separate controllers but combining them in the same module and using the same sync signals.


verilog code vga

thanx. ive started learning VHDL and now im understanding the VHDL code of the vga controller. i will try to translate the VHDL code into equivalent Verilog code because i have heard that tools like xHDL are not very reliable.

you could have said all this in the beginning and all the confusion wouldnt have been created. anyway thanx again :)

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