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Look for Transistor Library in ADS

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Junior Member level 3
May 29, 2020
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Dear all,
I am looking for the active transistor library for ADS, including the model NE3210S01.
I am using ADS2020. Could someone please share me that library!!!
Thanks in advance!!!!

You don't need a detailed model for this transistor. S-parameters and Noise Parameters have been given in its datasheet under certain (recommended) operating conditions. Fill these data manually in related 2-Port box and apply matching circuit for lowest noise/higher gain, ( whichever you prefer ) that's it.

I happen to have that model handy. Though I doubt it is
from ADS libraries, it appears to be originally a CEL part
with a "Libra" simulator model. Decades ago I made a Spectre
version since that was the design environment for the ICs.

I only used it as proxy for MMIC-guts in developing an active
bias controller for phased array panels, which is quasi-DC
(at my end of it) so I've got nothing for you, regarding RF

This zip file contains the original CEL model, my Spectre
version and a CEL app note about what to mess with if
you (like the rest of humanity) has no idea about or access
to "Libra".


    54.8 KB · Views: 169

Great that you found a model!

If it refers to Libra, that must be really old: Libra was the Harmonic Balance upgrade to EEsof's Touchstone circuit simulator. Hot stuff in the 1990s :)

After years working with many RF, Spice, and EM simulators, I don't understand why is still very complicated to add (in most of them) a single component to the library, or to draw a simple structure.
I am pretty sure the teams that developed programs like Keysight ADS, Cadence AWR MWO, Ansys Electronics HFSS, CST, Comsol, Sonnet, Altium Designer, etc., they have the knowledge and the ability how to simplify these inputs, but for unknown reasons they don't do it.
Maybe LTspice is the only program from this category, where you need less than a minute to add a new component to the library, and MWO has the simplest interface to draw a structure..

Dear vfone,
Because discrete components are dying and they don't want to lose time.
There were perhaps over 10K-15K RF discrete transistors 25-30 years ago, now you cannot find even a small signal/mid power/driver RF transistor. There were more than 20-30 small signal an power discrete RF transistor manufacturer but now they are very few.
In next decade there won't also be application specific ICs, there will be general purpose general ICs and you will program them in according to your needs.
Welcome to new ALL digital world.

OK, I agree. But 20 years ago, when discrete components were still alive, they did nothing to improve input interfaces. They are the same as today, even many engineers told them to improve.
Probably in the next decade circuit simulators will disappear totally.
With EM simulators, which probably will not disappear, is a different story. ALWAYS they had hard-to-use input interfaces.

they have the knowledge and the ability how to simplify these inputs, but for unknown reasons they don't do it.

I don't agree. Adding a component library ("design kit") to ADS is very easy for the user. It's installed in a minute or less.

However there was a change in ADS system design with ADS 2011, old design kits from ADS 2009 or earlier will not work on the version (and vice versa).

Adding a Design Kit provided and distributed by a foundry in ADS is even faster than a minute.
But I mentioned above that is hard to add a SINGLE component, having a model which is not provided by a distributor via a design kit, model which may exist in a different standard format.
I know, here is only about having control of distributed models (read: make more money).

I don't like that vendor bashing. The NetlistInclude component might help you.

But in general, design kit's are the way to go, because they can include full device description (electrical + package/layout). I don't understand why you are bashing the proper use of fully defined component libraries.
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We all have to deal with this if we step outside the
pad-ring of our own chip, sometimes.

That's how I came to have the Spectre version of the
model - made the symbol, made the .inc, hooked it up
and got on with the real work.

It's just a chore, and you can go ahead and get on
with it. Next time will be easier.

Some design systems (like Silvaco, I know for sure)
will even make you a symbol good to go, from a
subcircuit you point it at. Maybe some "hair and
makeup" if you care about appearances.

But copying a close-cousin symbol and changing a
include statement should not tax you unduly.

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