Newbie level 4

First off all excuse my bad English.
I am makeing an regulated power supply from 3-30V dc i made the PCB based on this design 3-30 V/2.5 A Stabilized power supply . On the output i put a LED and a 2k resistor which glow with a constant brightnes regardles how I change the ristence via the potenciometer the only diference that i made is the potenciometer it is a 1k ohms and should be 10k, but i dont think that is the problem causing the supply to have an constant output. The capacitor C2 with 2200uF does look a litlle strange althouh it is new it is a litle swalen an the ruber side (axial capacitor).
Thank you in advance :smile:
I am makeing an regulated power supply from 3-30V dc i made the PCB based on this design 3-30 V/2.5 A Stabilized power supply . On the output i put a LED and a 2k resistor which glow with a constant brightnes regardles how I change the ristence via the potenciometer the only diference that i made is the potenciometer it is a 1k ohms and should be 10k, but i dont think that is the problem causing the supply to have an constant output. The capacitor C2 with 2200uF does look a litlle strange althouh it is new it is a litle swalen an the ruber side (axial capacitor).
Thank you in advance :smile: