Linking Matlab files and changing results to linear form

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Junior Member level 2
Jan 11, 2005
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Need help on Matlab


Could I like to ask for advices on some questions regarding the matlab?

1)FirstlyI generate an result from one matlab file and I need to use this result for another matlab file, is there any way that I can link them up?

2)The result that I have obtained in the 1st file is in a matrix form, is there any way that we can change the result into linear form. The reason why I need to do this is that the matrix dimension don't agree with each other when I use the result for an equation at next file.

Thanks a lot

Need help on Matlab

Say the matrix generated in 1st m-file is stored as the following variable:

A = [a b c; d e f]

You can use 'save' command to save the variable A into a MAT file.

Then, in 2nd m-file, use 'load' to load the variabled stored in the MAT file. Then you can manipulate the matrix, e.g. to assing the row of the matrix to another variable.

Another option:
You can write the file name of the 2nd m-file at the end of the 1st m-file. In this case, you can manipulate the matrix without requiring to save it into MAT and load again later.

Re: Need help on Matlab

gundam said:

Could I like to ask for advices on some questions regarding the matlab?

1)FirstlyI generate an result from one matlab file and I need to use this result for another matlab file, is there any way that I can link them up?

fopen function

change the dimension such as A= A'

Thanks a lot

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