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[SOLVED] Layout Capacitor for High Value

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Newbie level 6
Apr 23, 2015
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Hey guys I need to make a 22pF Capacitor layout in Cadence and this is the only link I have so Im really confused at how to make a HUGE capacitor with a small area. Please guys guide me
**broken link removed**

You found a nice tutorial. What else, exactly, do you need?

What's your process? Which layers do you want to use for the cap? Can you use a MOSCAP? May one terminal be connected to GND?

SO I guess I didn't really understand how they got the measuremements for the poly and elec layers in that tutorial

I found another tutorial which walks me through all the steps, but I feel like their is a difference between both tutorials i.e. they are for 2 different processes so which one should I be using?

This is what I am trying to implement.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, my process is the 0.5 micron


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SO I guess I didn't really understand how they got the measuremements for the poly and elec layers in that tutorial

C = ε0εr * A/t

ε0 = 8.854e-06 pF/µm
εr = 3.9 (for SiO2)
A = cap-area [µm]2
t = thickness of dielectricum [µm] (usually SiO2)

I found another tutorial which walks me through all the steps, but I feel like their is a difference between both tutorials i.e. they are for 2 different processes so which one should I be using?

Also, my process is the 0.5 micron

Also a good tutorial. Does your process offer a MIMCAP option? If not, you have to use different layers.

This is what I am trying to implement.
Now do you need 22pF or 1.5pF ?

So I need a 22pF capacitor (sorry about the confusion) so my process does not offer a MIMCAP option
So I guess I will go with the first tutorial
Now even if I follow the first tutorial my l value = 2.75 x 10e-11
Which is very small
So how do I implement that?

For a 0.5µm process with double poly option you have a specific capacitance of 0.9fF/(µm)², so you'd need an area A = 22000/0.9 = 24444(µm)² or a square cap of 156*156(µm)² - which is huge!

You could use a MOSCAP, which - for a 0.5µm process with tox=13.5nm - has a specific capacitance of 2.56fF/(µm)². With that, your 22pF cap would need an area A = 22000/2.56 = 8594(µm)² or a square cap of 93*93(µm)² - which is still huge, but perhaps feasible.

A MOSCAP has a voltage-dependent capacity, and for the a.m. specific capacitance it needs a voltage difference of > |Vth|.

It's probably worth to think twice if you really need such a big capacitance. Perhaps you can decrease it by more design ideation?

For an analog filter a MOS cap is probably a poor option due to nonlinearity. But at the same time you should never really need capacitances larger than 1pF, it's better to increase R instead so you end up with the same transfer function.

Thanks guys
I got it

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