Advanced Member level 2

This question should be solved by me looking at the signals through my oscilloscope but I don't have access to do so for a while, I want to experiment with my laptops soundcard using matlab and a arduino Due.
But I have no idea of what voltage that will come from the 3,5mm plugg, all I have is a multimeter and when trying to output a single sinewave and measure its amplitude the multimeter said it was less then when no signal was being sent.
Does you know what I should expect?
I want to read the laptop output with my Due internal ADC and I am about to build a op-amp level shift circuit using the µC VCC/2 to center the signal around. But I don't know if I have to attenuate the signal or not, its a 3,3V µC.
This question should be solved by me looking at the signals through my oscilloscope but I don't have access to do so for a while, I want to experiment with my laptops soundcard using matlab and a arduino Due.
But I have no idea of what voltage that will come from the 3,5mm plugg, all I have is a multimeter and when trying to output a single sinewave and measure its amplitude the multimeter said it was less then when no signal was being sent.
Does you know what I should expect?
I want to read the laptop output with my Due internal ADC and I am about to build a op-amp level shift circuit using the µC VCC/2 to center the signal around. But I don't know if I have to attenuate the signal or not, its a 3,3V µC.