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Is it possible to emulate printer ports by USB ports?

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Jul 18, 2002
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Printer Port replacement


I am wondering that if it is possible to emulate printer ports
by USB ports?

Problem is due to that I have JTAG download cable for FPGA which must connectted to one printer port, and one JTAG download cable for ARM based processor. Problem is that once I connected the ARM processor,
the cable must be always connected, otherwise the link will be broken.
I have tried the switch box which allows me to switch between two JTAG cable.

Most of the PC are equipped with only ONE printer port and it is hard to find the PCI multi-IO card with additional printer port. So in order
to make both works, I have to use two PC.

Worst thing is, most of the PC and NB are removing printer port by
replacing them by USB to save the connector space.

So my questions is anyone has any experience of the USB to printer port emulation with two printer port linked?

I will be appreciate that if someone can share the knowledge about this
since I will not consider to buy the expensive USB download cable
and ICE.

Thanks in advanced.

The port address

I need to add up some more.
I have try the desktop USB logic analyzer
which emulate the USB to one of the printer port.

But bad things happen, once the USB driver
for emulation is executed, the printer port cannot be used.

I suspect that the port address of the emuation software is the
same to the physical address of the printer port of the PC.

I have no knowledge on the low-level such BIOS address assignment
in the winodws environment.

I asked the vendor of the USB LA, they did not have any answer yet.

Thank you

There are chips which can do USB/RS-232 and USB/Parallel port conversion.
I did not tried to test the parallel port version, but the RS-232 convertor works without any problem. Maybe you can test it.
Look at:

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