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Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over them

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Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over them

Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet/speaker) over them ?


closing the magnets or speakers nearer to TVs & monitors ?


Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

If you are referring to a CRT monitor (or TV set) the magnets could magnetize the internal metal screen causing color stains.

Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

yes this harmful because of any magnet took near to the tv then color is move on magnet side and also damaged your tv. but someware also solution i heard that is color is one side on tv moves then magnet use to remove this color .

Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

All TV sets that use a CRT have a circuit in them that de-magnetises the CRT when the set is first switched on. it is extremely unlikely that you will get a loudspeaker magnet close enough to the shadow mask (inside the CRT) to cause any discernible colour cast, which will be removed when the set is switched off then on.

Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

All TV sets that use a CRT have a circuit in them that de-magnetises the CRT when the set is first switched on. it is extremely unlikely that you will get a loudspeaker magnet close enough to the shadow mask (inside the CRT) to cause any discernible colour cast, which will be removed when the set is switched off then on.
Yes but if the magnetizing force is always present also during the degauss process (and strong enough), the problem can appear because the demagnetizing circuit will not be able to remove it.

Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

In one case, I saw it permanently caused damage. The user had put stereo on TV.
If colours are more disturbed, strong megnets and megnetic coil is used externally although internal degaussing coil works satasfactory in most instances. In this case, although colous were fixed after demagnetizing but after few hours it reappeared. After two or three tries, which were not successful, I returned th set. After some four months later, set owner told me that he had shown it to many techs but it is not fixed. A long time exposure to alternaing megnetic field could repair it but that was not practical.

Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

The degauss circuit in an old fashioned CRT TV or monitor is designed to cancel magnetism from the tiny earth's magnetic field caused when the CRT is moved, not cancel magnetism from the HUGE magnetic field from a nearby speaker. That is why they make speakers with shielded magnets.

Re: Is it harmful for TV & monitors if we put a telephone set (contains magnet) over

yes it harms your tv screen if it is a crt.i have observe it personally that as soon as you place a magnet near the screen its colour display is interrupted.....if you practice this for a long time your monitor screen could permanently be damaged

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