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IR intensity sensor recommendation

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Newbie level 2
Oct 21, 2009
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sensor recommendation


I need a sensor that measures IR intensity. I am working on a target seeking robot. A beacon that emits IR will be the target, and a sensor mounted on robot should measure the distance (might not accurate) between robot and target/beacon using the intensity of the IR.

If there's any receiver alone or emitter/receiver pair, or a module as such (expensive or not), kindly let me know.

Ideally range should be large, but I can cope with smaller range.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Re: sensor recommendation

sneakarcher said:
A beacon that emits IR will be the target, and a sensor mounted on robot should measure the distance (might not accurate) between robot and target/beacon using the intensity of the IR.
Ideally range should be large, but I can cope with smaller range.
The subject of estimating distance from the intensity of reflected IR comes up once ever so often on this forum. In a general, estimating distance from intensity of reflected light is not a working strategy. May be there is something about your target or rules of the game which may make this strategy work. May be there is not.

Re: sensor recommendation

kender said:
sneakarcher said:
A beacon that emits IR will be the target, and a sensor mounted on robot should measure the distance (might not accurate) between robot and target/beacon using the intensity of the IR.
Ideally range should be large, but I can cope with smaller range.
The subject of estimating distance from the intensity of reflected IR comes up once ever so often on this forum. In a general, estimating distance from intensity of reflected light is not a working strategy. May be there is something about your target or rules of the game which may make this strategy work. May be there is not.

I understand your point. But actually my problem is a bit different. Its not the reflected light with the obstacle, its the direct IR from another source in the line of sight. I have seen sensors which can tell direction of IR emitter from quite a distance (more than 8 feet). That's why I thought there might be some IR receiver i could use by estimating from intensity somehow.

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