Interfacing ASCII keyboard with 8051 microcontroller board

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Dec 6, 2008
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ascii keyboard

Hi to all. I have 89V51RD2 based microcontroller trainer kit with HEX keypad.I want to connect ASCII keyboard(used with PCs)to this board. where I can get its hardware details and software.

hebrew ascii keyboard

.pagewidth !160
; Port A

nreset equ 5 ; Reset Output (Open Drain)
clk equ 6 ; Clock I/O
data equ 7 ; Data I/O

; Port B

TXD equ 5 ; Transmit Data

; Equates for LED Byte

pscrlck equ 4 ; If true, Scroll Lock Pressed
pnumlck equ 3 ; If true, Num Lock Pressed
caplock equ 2 ; If true, Caps Lock is On (Active)
numlock equ 1 ; If true, Num Lock is On (Active)
scrlock equ 0 ; If true, Scroll Lock is On (Active)

; Equates for Status Flag, Byte

rctrl equ 7 ; If true, Right Ctrl Pressed
lctrl equ 6 ; If true, Left Ctrl Pressed
ralt equ 5 ; If true, Right Alt Pressed
lalt equ 4 ; If true, Left Alt Pressed

caploc equ 2 ; If true, Caps Lock Pressed
rshift equ 1 ; If true, Right Shift Key Pressed
lshift equ 0 ; If true, Left Shift Key Pressed

org ram

byte rmb 1 ; Used to hold byte, during Trans & Rec
status rmb 1 ; Status Flags
LED rmb 1 ; LED Flags
asc rmb 3 ; Used for altdec & ctrlhex
PAR rmb 1 ; Used during receive for Parity Tracking

org $7F8

dw start ; Timer Interrupt Vector
dw start ; IRQ Vector
dw start ; Software Interrupt Vector
dw start ; Reset Vector

org $7F1 ; Mask Option Register (MOR)
db $20 ; Osc Internal Res Enabled

org rom

start lda #%00000000 ;PORTA - Inputs
sta ddra ;Set Data Direction Register
sta pdra ;Enable Pull Downs
sta PORTA ;Set nReset, Clk & Data low

lda #%00100111 ;PORTB - I/O
sta ddrb ;Set Data Direction Register
sta pdrb ;Dis/enable Pull Downs
lda #%00100000 ;Transmit Idle

jmp rstflag ;No Attempt to Reset Keyboard made
;as keyboard would still be in POST
;or BAT Tests, if power applied at
;the same time than the HC705.

* *
* reset - Sends a Reset Command to the Keyboard. *
* Not a very good effort to reset keyboard, *
* as it doesn't check for ACK or BAT *
* Completion Code. I.e. Reset may not of *
* even Worked! *
* *

reset lda #$FF ;Reset Keyboard
sta byte
jsr transmit

* *
* rstflag - Resets Status and LED Flags. Used when *
* a successful Bat Completion code is *
* sent to sync keyboard's LED's to 705's *
* status register *
* *

rstflag clr status
clr LED

* *
* main - Main Keyboard Decoding Routine. Once key *
* been decoded, program should return here *
* *

main jsr Receive ;Get's a Single Byte from the Keyboard.
lda byte

cmp #$F0 ;A Key has been Released
bne main1
jmp release

main1 cmp #$AA ;Successful Completion of BAT
bne main2
jmp rstflag

main2 cmp #$E0 ;Extended Keys
bne main3
jmp extend

main3 cmp #$12 ;Left Shift Key Pressed
bne main4
bset lshift,status

main4 cmp #$59 ;Right Shift Key Pressed
bne main5
bset rshift,status

main5 cmp #$14 ;Left Ctrl
bne main6
bset lctrl,status
jmp clrasc

main6 cmp #$11 ;Left Alt
bne main7
bset lalt,status
jmp clrasc

main7 cmp #$58 ;Caps Lock Pressed
bne main8
brclr caploc,status,caps
bset caploc,status

main8 cmp #$7E ;Scroll Lock Pressed
bne main9
brclr pscrlck,status,scrl
bset pscrlck,status

main9 cmp #$77 ;Num Lock Pressed
bne main10
brclr pnumlck,status,nums
bset pnumlck,status

main10 cmp #$8F ;Last Value in Look-Up Table
blo main11
jmp main ;Out of Bounds

main11 tax
brset caplock,LED,caps_on
brset rshift,status,shifton
brset lshift,status,shifton

cancel lda noshift,x ;Load Lower Case Values
jmp main12

caps_on brset rshift,status,cancel ;If ShiftLock & Shift, Cancel
brset lshift,status,cancel

shifton lda shift,x ;Load Upper Case Values

main12 beq return ;Scan Code not in Lookup Table.

lda status
and #$30 ;Either Alt Key Pressed
beq main13
jmp altdec

main13 lda status
and #$C0 ;Either CTRL Key Pressed
beq main14
jmp ctrlhex

main14 txa
sta byte
jsr RS232T ;Send to RS232

return jmp main

* *
* caps - Toggle Status of Caps lock and Echo to *
* Keyboard *
* *

caps bset caploc,status ; Set caploc flag to prevent routine being
; called again
lda LED
eor #$04 ; Toggle Shift Lock Flag
sta LED
jmp LEDshow

* *
* nums - Toggle Status of Nums lock and Echo to *
* Keyboard *
* *

nums bset pnumlck,status

lda LED
eor #$02
sta LED
jmp LEDshow

* *
* scrl - Toggle Status of Scroll lock and Echo to *
* Keyboard *
* *

scrl bset pscrlck,status

lda LED
eor #$01
sta LED
jmp LEDshow

* *
* extend - An Extended Key has been Pressed *
* *

extend jsr Receive ;Get Next byte
lda byte

cmp #$F0 ;An Extended Key Has been Released
bne extend1
jmp rel_ext

extend1 cmp #$11 ;Right Alt Pressed
bne extend2
bset ralt,status
jmp clrasc

extend2 cmp #$14 ;Right Ctrl Pressed
bne extend3
bset rctrl,status
jmp clrasc

extend3 cmp #$71 ;Delete
bne extend4
lda status
and #$C0 ;Either Alt Key Pressed?
beq extend4
lda status
and #$30 ;Either Ctrl Key Pressed?
beq extend4
bset nreset,DDRA
lda #$FF
jsr delay
bclr nreset,DDRA
jmp reset

extend4 cmp #$5A ;Enter Key on Num Keypad
bne extend5
lda #$0D
sta byte
jsr RS232T

extend5 cmp #$4A ; '/' Key on Num Keypad
bne extend6
lda #'/'
sta byte
jsr RS232T

extend6 jmp main ;Return to main

* *
* release - A Key has been Released *
* *

release jsr Receive ;Release - Next Byte Garbage in many cases
lda byte

releas3 cmp #$12 ;Left Shift Key Released
bne releas4
bclr lshift,status

releas4 cmp #$59 ;Right Shift Key Released
bne releas5
bclr rshift,status

releas5 cmp #$14 ;Left Ctrl Released
bne releas6
bclr lctrl,status
jmp ctrl_re

releas6 cmp #$11 ;Left Alt Released
bne releas7
bclr lalt,status
jmp alt_rel

releas7 cmp #$58 ;Caps Lock Released
bne releas8
bclr caploc,status

releas8 cmp #$7E ;Scroll Lock Released
bne releas9
bclr pscrlck,status

releas9 cmp #$77 ;Num Lock Released
bne relea10
bclr pnumlck,status

relea10 jmp main ;Return to Main

* *
* rel_ext - An Extended Key has been Released *
* *

rel_ext jsr Receive ;Get Next byte
lda byte

cmp #$11 ;Right Alt Released
bne rel_ex2
bclr ralt,status
jmp alt_rel

rel_ex2 cmp #$14 ;Right Ctrl Released
bne rel_ex3
bclr rctrl,status
jmp ctrl_re

rel_ex3 jmp main ;Return to main

* *
* LEDshow - Copies the 3 LSB of the LED register to *
* keyboard for the keyboards Status LED's *
* E.g. Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock *
* Also makes their status present on *
* *

LEDshow lda LED
ora #$20 ;Set TXD High
and #$27
sta PORTB ;Made Status Avalible at PORTB
lda #$ED
sta byte
jsr transmit
jsr Receive
lda LED
and #$07
sta byte
jsr transmit
jmp main

* *
* Transmit - Send Data stored at Byte to the *
* Keyboard. Result *
* *

ldx #$08 ;8 Data Bits
bset clk,DDRA ;Set Clock Low
lda #$13 ;Delay 64uS
jsr delay
clra ;Clear Parity Register
bset data,DDRA ;Set Data Low
bclr clk,DDRA ;Release Clock Line
jsr highlow

loop ror byte
bcs mark

space bset data,DDRA ;Clear Bit
jmp next

mark bclr data,DDRA ;Clear Bit
inca ;Parity Calculation

next jsr highlow ;Wait for high to low transition

bne loop

and #$01
bne clr_par
set_par bclr data,DDRA
jmp tr_ackn
clr_par bset data,DDRA
tr_ackn jsr highlow

bclr data,DDRA ;Release Data Line
jsr highlow
brset data,PORTA,error ;Check for Ack
brclr clk,PORTA,* ;Wait for idle line

bset clk,DDRA ;Prevent Keyboard from sending data
;(Clear to Send)

error lda #$FF ;Reset
sta byte
jsr transmit

* *
* Receive - Get a Byte from the Keyboard. Result *
* stored in byte. *
* *

Receive ldx #08 ;Number of Bits
clr PAR ;Clear Parity Register
bclr clk,DDRA ;Clear to Send

brset clk,PORTA,* ;wait for idle Clock
brset data,PORTA,Receive ;False Start Bit, Restart

Recdata ror byte
jsr highlow ;Wait for high to low Transision
brset data,PORTA,Recset

bclr 7,byte
jmp Recnext

Recset bset 7,byte
inc PAR

Recnext decx
bne Recdata ;Loop until 8 bits been received

jsr highlow

lda PORTA ;Read Parity Bit
rola ;Place in LSbit
eor PAR ;Parity Bit Detection
and #$01
beq r_error

jsr highlow
brclr data,PORTA,r_error ;Stop Bit Detection

bset clk,DDRA ;Prevent Keyboard from sending data
;(Clear to Send)

r_error lda #$FE ;Resend
sta byte
jsr Transmit
jmp Receive ;Try again

* *
* highlow - Waits for next High to Low Transistion *
* on the Clock Line *
* *

highlow brclr clk,PORTA,* ;Loop until Clk High
brset clk,PORTA,* ;Loop until Clk Low

* *
* ctrlhex & althex - Make sure keys pressed are *
* valid. If not, don't store them. Also converts *
* ASCII to binary and stores them in the ASCII *
* Storage Location *
* *

ctrlhex cmp #'a' ;Convert 'a' - 'f' to binary
blo he1_ran
cmp #'f'
bhi outrang
sub #$57
jmp store

he1_ran cmp #'A' ;Convert 'A' - 'F' to binary
blo altdec
cmp #'F'
bhi outrang
sub #$37
jmp store

altdec cmp #'0' ;Convert '0' - '9' to binary
blo outrang
cmp #'9'
bhi outrang
sub #$30

store ldx asc+1 ;Shift Bytes Left
stx asc+0
ldx asc+2
stx asc+1
sta asc+2 ;Store as Binary
outrang jmp main

* *
* alt_rel Alt Released. (Decimal Enter Routine) *
* Once both the ALT keys have been released *
* a calculation must be made to convert the *
* bytes found in ASCII Storage to binary *
* for transmission. *
* *

alt_rel lda status ;Decimal Calculation
and #$30
bne complet ;One of the Alt Keys Still Pressed

lda asc
ldx #$64 ;x 100
sta byte

lda asc+1
ldx #$0A ;x 10
add asc+2 ;Add Units
add byte ;Add hundreds
sta byte

jsr RS232T ;Transmit number

jmp main ;Return to Main.

* *
* ctrl_re Ctrl Released.(Hexadecimal Enter Routine) *
* Once both the CTRL keys have been released*
* a calculation must be made to convert the *
* bytes found in ASCII Storage to binary *
* for transmission. *
* *

ctrl_re lda status
and #$C0
bne complet ;One of the Ctrl Keys Still Pressed

lda asc+1
add asc+2
sta byte

jsr RS232T ;Transmit Number

complet jmp main ;Return to Main

* *
* clrasc - Clear ASCII Storage Locations (3 Bytes) *
* - These storage bytes are used for the *
* ALTDEC & CTRLHEX Routines. *
* *

clrasc clr asc+0
clr asc+1
clr asc+2
jmp main

* *
* RS-232 NRZ 8N1 Transmit Routine. *
* *
* Uses a 4.00 Mhz Crystal (2 Mhz Bus Speed) *
* to obtain a transmission speed of 9600 BPS *
* *

RS232T ldx #8 ; Number of Bits (8)
bclr TXD,PORTB ; Start Bit (0)
lda #$1D ; 29 Cycles 6[29] + 6
jsr delay
brn *
nextbit ror byte
bcs rsmark
bclr TXD,PORTB ; Space (Logic 0)
jmp rsnext
rsmark bset TXD,PORTB ; Mark (Logic 1)
brn *
rsnext lda #$1C ; 28 Cycles 6[28] + 6
jsr delay
bne nextbit
brn *
brn *
bset TXD,PORTB ; Stop Bit (Logic 1)
lda #$1F ; 31 Cycles 6[31] + 6
jsr delay

delay deca ; Delay = 6[A] + 6
bne delay

* *
* No-Shift - Lookup Table when Shift not Pressed *
* *

noshift fcb $00 ; 00
fcb $00 ; 01 F9
fcb $00 ; 02
fcb $00 ; 03 F5
fcb $00 ; 04 F3
fcb $00 ; 05 F1
fcb $00 ; 06 F2
fcb $00 ; 07 F12
fcb $00 ; 08
fcb $00 ; 09 F10
fcb $00 ; 0A F8
fcb $00 ; 0B F6
fcb $00 ; 0C F4
fcb $09 ; 0D TAB
fcb '`' ; 0E ` or ~
fcb $00 ; 0F

fcb $00 ; 10
fcb $00 ; 11 Left ALT
fcb $00 ; 12 Left SHIFT
fcb $00 ; 13
fcb $00 ; 14 Left Ctrl
fcb 'q' ; 15 Q
fcb '1' ; 16 1 or !
fcb $00 ; 17
fcb $00 ; 18
fcb $00 ; 19
fcb 'z' ; 1A Z
fcb 's' ; 1B S
fcb 'a' ; 1C A
fcb 'w' ; 1D W
fcb '2' ; 1E 2 or @
fcb $00 ; 1F

fcb $00 ; 20
fcb 'c' ; 21 C
fcb 'x' ; 22 X
fcb 'd' ; 23 D
fcb 'e' ; 24 E
fcb '4' ; 25 4 or $
fcb '3' ; 26 3 or #
fcb $00 ; 27
fcb $00 ; 28
fcb ' ' ; 29 Space
fcb 'v' ; 2A V
fcb 'f' ; 2B F
fcb 't' ; 2C T
fcb 'r' ; 2D R
fcb '5' ; 2E 5 or %
fcb $00 ; 2F

fcb $00 ; 30
fcb 'n' ; 31 N
fcb 'b' ; 32 B
fcb 'h' ; 33 H
fcb 'g' ; 34 G
fcb 'y' ; 35 Y
fcb '6' ; 36 6 or ^
fcb $00 ; 37
fcb $00 ; 38
fcb $00 ; 39
fcb 'm' ; 3A M
fcb 'j' ; 3B J
fcb 'u' ; 3C U
fcb '7' ; 3D 7 or &
fcb '8' ; 3E 8 or *
fcb $00 ; 3F

fcb $00 ; 40
fcb ',' ; 41 , or <
fcb 'k' ; 42 K
fcb 'i' ; 43 I
fcb 'o' ; 44 O
fcb '0' ; 45 0 or )
fcb '9' ; 46 9 or (
fcb $00 ; 47
fcb $00 ; 48
fcb '.' ; 49 . or >
fcb '/' ; 4A / or ?
fcb 'l' ; 4B L
fcb ';' ; 4C ; or :
fcb 'p' ; 4D P
fcb '-' ; 4E - or _
fcb $00 ; 4F

fcb $00 ; 50
fcb $00 ; 51
fcb $27 ; 52 ' or "
fcb $00 ; 53
fcb '[' ; 54 [ or {
fcb '=' ; 55 = OR +
fcb $00 ; 56
fcb $00 ; 57
fcb $00 ; 58 Caps Lock
fcb $00 ; 59 Right Shift
fcb $0D ; 5A Enter
fcb ']' ; 5B ] or }
fcb $00 ; 5C
fcb '\' ; 5D \ or |
fcb $00 ; 5E
fcb $00 ; 5F

fcb $00 ; 60
fcb $00 ; 61
fcb $00 ; 62
fcb $00 ; 63
fcb $00 ; 64
fcb $00 ; 65
fcb $08 ; 66 Backspace
fcb $00 ; 67
fcb $00 ; 68
fcb '1' ; 69 NUM - 1 or END
fcb $00 ; 6A
fcb '4' ; 6B NUM - 4 or LEFT
fcb '7' ; 6C NUM - 7 or HOME
fcb $00 ; 6D
fcb $00 ; 6E
fcb $00 ; 6F

fcb '0' ; 70 NUM - 0 or INS
fcb '.' ; 71 NUM - . or DEL
fcb '2' ; 72 NUM - 2 or DOWN
fcb '5' ; 73 NUM - 5
fcb '6' ; 74 NUM - 6 or RIGHT
fcb '8' ; 75 NUM - 8 or UP
fcb $1B ; 76 ESC
fcb $00 ; 77 NUM LOCK
fcb $00 ; 78 F11
fcb '+' ; 79 NUM - + (Plus)
fcb '3' ; 7A NUM 3 or PAGE DOWN
fcb '-' ; 7B NUM - - (Minus)
fcb '*' ; 7C NUM - *
fcb '9' ; 7D NUM - 9 or PAGE UP
fcb $00 ; 7E SCROLL LOCK
fcb $00 ; 7F

fcb $00 ; 80
fcb $00 ; 81
fcb $00 ; 82
fcb $00 ; 83 F7
fcb $00 ; 84
fcb $00 ; 85
fcb $00 ; 86
fcb $00 ; 87
fcb $00 ; 88
fcb $00 ; 89
fcb $00 ; 8A
fcb $00 ; 8B
fcb $00 ; 8C
fcb $00 ; 8D
fcb $00 ; 8E
fcb $00 ; 8F

* *
* Shift - Lookup Table Used when Shift Pressed *
* *

shift fcb $00 ; 00
fcb $00 ; 01 F9
fcb $00 ; 02
fcb $00 ; 03 F5
fcb $00 ; 04 F3
fcb $00 ; 05 F1
fcb $00 ; 06 F2
fcb $00 ; 07 F12
fcb $00 ; 08
fcb $00 ; 09 F10
fcb $00 ; 0A F8
fcb $00 ; 0B F6
fcb $00 ; 0C F4
fcb $09 ; 0D TAB
fcb '~' ; 0E ` or ~
fcb $00 ; 0F

fcb $00 ; 10
fcb $00 ; 11 Left ALT
fcb $00 ; 12 Left SHIFT
fcb $00 ; 13
fcb $00 ; 14 Left Ctrl
fcb 'Q' ; 15 Q
fcb '!' ; 16 1 or !
fcb $00 ; 17
fcb $00 ; 18
fcb $00 ; 19
fcb 'Z' ; 1A Z
fcb 'S' ; 1B S
fcb 'A' ; 1C A
fcb 'W' ; 1D W
fcb '@' ; 1E 2 or @
fcb $00 ; 1F

fcb $00 ; 20
fcb 'C' ; 21 C
fcb 'X' ; 22 X
fcb 'D' ; 23 D
fcb 'E' ; 24 E
fcb '$' ; 25 4 or $
fcb '#' ; 26 3 or #
fcb $00 ; 27
fcb $00 ; 28
fcb ' ' ; 29 Space
fcb 'V' ; 2A V
fcb 'F' ; 2B F
fcb 'T' ; 2C T
fcb 'R' ; 2D R
fcb '%' ; 2E 5 or %
fcb $00 ; 2F

fcb $00 ; 30
fcb 'N' ; 31 N
fcb 'B' ; 32 B
fcb 'H' ; 33 H
fcb 'G' ; 34 G
fcb 'Y' ; 35 Y
fcb '^' ; 36 6 or ^
fcb $00 ; 37
fcb $00 ; 38
fcb $00 ; 39
fcb 'M' ; 3A M
fcb 'J' ; 3B J
fcb 'U' ; 3C U
fcb '&' ; 3D 7 or &
fcb '*' ; 3E 8 or *
fcb $00 ; 3F

fcb $00 ; 40
fcb '<' ; 41 , or <
fcb 'K' ; 42 K
fcb 'I' ; 43 I
fcb 'O' ; 44 O
fcb ')' ; 45 0 or )
fcb '(' ; 46 9 or (
fcb $00 ; 47
fcb $00 ; 48
fcb '>' ; 49 > or .
fcb '?' ; 4A / or ?
fcb 'L' ; 4B L
fcb ':' ; 4C ; or :
fcb 'P' ; 4D P
fcb '_' ; 4E - or _
fcb $00 ; 4F

fcb $00 ; 50
fcb $00 ; 51
fcb $22 ; 52 ' or "
fcb $00 ; 53
fcb '{' ; 54 [ or {
fcb '+' ; 55 = OR +
fcb $00 ; 56
fcb $00 ; 57
fcb $00 ; 58 Caps Lock
fcb $00 ; 59 Right Shift
fcb $0D ; 5A Enter
fcb '}' ; 5B ] or }
fcb $00 ; 5C
fcb '|' ; 5D \ or |
fcb $00 ; 5E
fcb $00 ; 5F

fcb $00 ; 60
fcb $00 ; 61
fcb $00 ; 62
fcb $00 ; 63
fcb $00 ; 64
fcb $00 ; 65
fcb $08 ; 66 Backspace
fcb $00 ; 67
fcb $00 ; 68
fcb '1' ; 69 NUM - 1 or END
fcb $00 ; 6A
fcb '4' ; 6B NUM - 4 or LEFT
fcb '7' ; 6C NUM - 7 or HOME
fcb $00 ; 6D
fcb $00 ; 6E
fcb $00 ; 6F

fcb '0' ; 70 NUM - 0 or INS
fcb '.' ; 71 NUM - . or DEL
fcb '2' ; 72 NUM - 2 or DOWN
fcb '5' ; 73 NUM - 5
fcb '6' ; 74 NUM - 6 or RIGHT
fcb '8' ; 75 NUM - 8 or UP
fcb $1B ; 76 ESC
fcb $00 ; 77 NUM LOCK
fcb $00 ; 78 F11
fcb '+' ; 79 NUM - + (Plus)
fcb '3' ; 7A NUM 3 or PAGE DOWN
fcb '-' ; 7B NUM - - (Minus)
fcb '*' ; 7C NUM - *
fcb '9' ; 7D NUM - 9 or PAGE UP
fcb $00 ; 7E SCROLL LOCK
fcb $00 ; 7F

fcb $00 ; 80
fcb $00 ; 81
fcb $00 ; 82
fcb $00 ; 83 F7
fcb $00 ; 84
fcb $00 ; 85
fcb $00 ; 86
fcb $00 ; 87
fcb $00 ; 88
fcb $00 ; 89
fcb $00 ; 8A
fcb $00 ; 8B
fcb $00 ; 8C
fcb $00 ; 8D
fcb $00 ; 8E
fcb $00 ; 8F


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