INTEL INTERVIEW- urgent need help

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Newbie level 6
Aug 30, 2006
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hi all....
i have a interview with Intel, next week...
the position is asic design- new grad....

can anybody share their experience of interview or the questions they wil ask???

Thanks in advance.

Which group are you interviewing for? And what position?

jiesteve said:
Which group are you interviewing for? And what position?

The guy just said it's an ASIC position and for a fresh grad .. !

Anyhow ..

You need to stress on the basics as this is the only thing expected from a fresh grad. .. u need also to show skills .. like previous student history with some EDA tools .. HDL coding skills .. verification basics .. scripting and linux skills ..

Scientifically, you need to be robust in digital logic ( in case u r going to be specilized in digital ASIC ) .. Static Time Analysis .. Front-End design flow versus Back-End design flow ..

As an advantage, you can present what you have learnt in your graduation project .. be carefully showy .. if ur grad project was something like Viterbi Decode for example, take about .. but don't go very deep .. cuz the interviewer might be a Viterbi Guru ..

Be proactive, but not much .. cuz sometimes, when u try to show, the interviewer gets the feelings that you want to say ur a jewel .. and starts kicking u to show u that u r nothing ..

Best of luck .. and hope u get the job ..

well, i guess omara said it all

just relax and be self confident
be cheerful and talkative if you find the interviewer from the "cool" type
but if he is somehow conservative, then don't try to be funny at alllllll

if u have an opportunity to talk about ur personal skills and hobbies
then don't hesitate

not just the technical skills count, also ur communication and interpersonal skills

good luck,

search the web for interviewing questions. I saw a number of questions listed from the people who interviewd there. Most often, engineers don't have time to make new question for the interview. They search the web for the questions they can ask in an interview. Even if you don't get the same question, you will have an idea of what things to expect.
One thing I have noticed is that most interviewers don't really understand what they are asking. Be assertive in your answers and don't let them intimidate you.

Interviews rally don't work. I have seen peaople who ace the interview and endup being lousy engineers and those who don't do good in the interview but perform really good doing the job.

here is a sample. I'm sure there are lots more on the net:

The following questions are used for screening the candidates during the first interview. The questions apply mostly to fresh college grads pursuing an engineering career at Intel.

Have you studied buses? What types?
Have you studied pipelining? List the 5 stages of a 5 stage pipeline. Assuming 1 clock per stage, what is the latency of an instruction in a 5 stage machine? What is the throughput of this machine ?

How many bit combinations are there in a byte?
For a single computer processor computer system, what is the purpose of a processor cache and describe its operation?
Explain the operation considering a two processor computer system with a cache for each processor.
What are the main issues associated with multiprocessor caches and how might you solve them?
Explain the difference between write through and write back cache.
Are you familiar with the term MESI?
Are you familiar with the term snooping?
Describe a finite state machine that will detect three consecutive coin tosses (of one coin) that results in heads.
In what cases do you need to double clock a signal before presenting it to a synchronous state machine?
You have a driver that drives a long signal & connects to an input device. At the input device there is either overshoot, undershoot or signal threshold violations, what can be done to correct this problem?
What are the total number of lines written by you in C/C++? What is the most complicated/valuable program written in C/C++?
What compiler was used?
What is the difference between = and == in C?
Are you familiar with VHDL and/or Verilog?
What types of CMOS memories have you designed? What were their size? Speed?
What work have you done on full chip Clock and Power distribution? What process technology and budgets were used?
What types of I/O have you designed? What were their size? Speed? Configuration? Voltage requirements?
Process technology? What package was used and how did you model the package/system? What parasitic effects were considered?
What types of high speed CMOS circuits have you designed?
What transistor level design tools are you proficient with? What types of designs were they used on?
What products have you designed which have entered high volume production?
What was your role in the silicon evaluation/product ramp? What tools did you use?
If not into production, how far did you follow the design and why did not you see it into production?

Keep us updated how the interview went !

I feel u need to be gud in basics!!
I attended the Intel interview after my bachelors !!
they played around basic inverter (most of them r easy with small logic behind) n tested my programming skill from microprocessor to HDL's
HR is cool ... u need to be gud at comm skills also said by Salma

All the best

there are many web site that is about interview on ASIC engineer. h**p://

Hi arc,
what happened to your INTEL interview?
What are the questions asked? Please let us know.
Thanks in advance.

Yes... the OP should tell us how the questions were !

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