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integration waveforms and differentiation waveforms

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Advanced Member level 2
Jun 5, 2005
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integration below a square waveform

What does integration do to a waveform?

Does integration add slopes or curves to a waveform but what does it look like please?

When inputing a sine or triangle or squarewaveform how do i add integration or differiation to the waveform and what would it do to the waveforms shape please?

What does integration and differentiation waveforms look like please?

Integration output is the area between signal and reference. Positive area (avobe reference) minus negative area (below reference).

Derivation output is the slope of the signal.

You can use OPAMP typical circuits for integration and derivation.

Integration output is the area between signal and reference. Positive area (avobe reference) minus negative area (below reference).

What u mean by this integration output is the area between signal and reference?

I thought the signal had to be processed or the output was a "integal" of the input

I heard that Distortion causes integration and differentiation that it changes the waveform shape what do they mean by integration and differentiation please?

walters said:
Integration output is the area between signal and reference. Positive area (avobe reference) minus negative area (below reference).

What u mean by this integration output is the area between signal and reference?

I thought the signal had to be processed or the output was a "integal" of the input

Here is a picture... when you integrate, you are adding in the area shaded in blue.

the red waveform is what the result looks like.

There are probably better pictures here:

good luck =)

eecs4ever the hyperlink said error how do i get to it please?

Here is some intergration hyperlinks i found:
**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

How do i change the integration of a triangle waveform ?

How do i change the differentiation of a square waveform?

Does the RC time change the integration and differentiation?

hm.. the link works for me.

but try this :
type "h ttp://" in front , without the space

if that doesnt work, you can search "Integral" from Wikipedia.

I'm not sure about your other questions = /

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