Information about audio amplifiers

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Mar 7, 2007
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hello guys:..

can any one help me for

what is audio amplifier?classfication of audio amplifiers?characteristic of audio amplifier?

I need some information for audio amplifier


audio amplifiers

An audio amplifier can be loosely classified as any amplifier that amplifies between the frequency range of 20 and 20000 Hz. They are used to drive a loudspeaker of some sort (like speakers or headphones.)

The different classes commonly used in audio amps are class A, class AB, and class B. There are some other more exotic types but these are most common for homebrewing. Class A means that the active device (transistor or tube) conducts over the whole cycle, class AB over more than 180 degrees but less than the whole cycle, and class B for only 180 degrees.

Hopefully this helps somewhat.


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Re: audio amplifiers

its mostly used for the amplification of AUDIO signals...........they r installed at the receiver section. audio amplifiers r used in TV receivers, fm receivers etc etc.........they can be classified as class A, class B, CLASS AB, CLASS C,. i think CLASS C audio power amplifier is preferred because of its higher effieciency.
THERE'S A book on BASIC ELECTRONICS by V.K MEHTA or electronics by BOYLSTEAD MORE than enough info.

audio amplifiers

Low lever amplification is usually done in Class A because efficiency doesn't really matter at low power levels.

Class C is used on CW and FM transmitter amps b/c of high efficiency. It is not used on audio because of its severe lack of linearity and fidelity.

Another common use is Class B or AB push pull, which means that two active devices are used one amplifying each half of the signal simultaneously.

Re: audio amplifiers

thanks guys but I need more information..its my project so I need more...


Re: audio amplifiers

Besides all the explanations above, could be mentioned also the class D of audio amplifiers, which consists in a PWM amplifier with a low pass filter before the signal is output to the speakers. See more at:
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In the construction or active elements of amplifiers construction we can mention:
- Valve (tubes) amplifiers
- Discrete bipolar transistor amplifier
- Discrete MOSFET amplifier
- Hybrid (IC composed of bipolar transistors or MOSFETs) amplifier

See a lot of projects at:
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    Points: 2
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audio amplifiers

Without specific questions there is not a lot to help with. What do you need to know?

Other than that here is a good site for audio gear.

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Re: audio amplifiers

artisbrk said:
hello guys:..

can any one help me for

characteristic of audio amplifier?

I need some information for audio amplifier


linearity increases in the following order whereas efficiency decreases...
class D,C,B,AB,A

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