Advanced Member level 4

I am working with a simple class D RF PA targeting a centre frequency of 2.5GHz.(Bandwidth not the concern at the moment.) . So its basically an cmos-inverter driving a 50 ohm load. And I have added L and C in series in between the Load and the inverter output so that the resonance frequency of the series RLC is 2.5 GHz.
My question is that for such a configuration is it neccesary to have impedance matching network between the RLC series circuit and the inverter output? Because I read somewhere that for PAs we do "impedance transfromation" and not "impednace matching" ? Is that right?
I am working with a simple class D RF PA targeting a centre frequency of 2.5GHz.(Bandwidth not the concern at the moment.) . So its basically an cmos-inverter driving a 50 ohm load. And I have added L and C in series in between the Load and the inverter output so that the resonance frequency of the series RLC is 2.5 GHz.
My question is that for such a configuration is it neccesary to have impedance matching network between the RLC series circuit and the inverter output? Because I read somewhere that for PAs we do "impedance transfromation" and not "impednace matching" ? Is that right?