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Ignition / Flame detection.

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Dark Angel

Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Jan 18, 2002
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uvtron flame detector circuit

I'm looking for a spark ignition schematic end flame detection circuit used in boilers or heating equipment

Anybody who have info thanks

chinese flame detectors+ boilers

Do not have schematic, but it use the ultraviolet sensitive photo detect (at least for spark detect). You can find example in many app note for silicon detector amplifier. Try Motorola very old data book or Hammamatsu or EGG or search for silicon detector.

Silicon is not particular sensitive to UV so it is with filter used. Filter is part of coating on sensor.

Can use the transimpedance amp (I > V) as a topology to start. Then follow with the comparator.

Good luck.

flame detection schematic

I have seen that a small photo resistive part worked well in my boiler. Ignitition is produced by a high voltage transformer directly connected to mains supply. If photic element sees the flame for about 30-40 sec., the circuit shuts down the transformer for ignitition.

flame detector schematic circuit

On 2002-04-08 23:11, Dark Angel wrote:
I'm looking for a spark ignition schematic end flame detection circuit used in boilers or heating equipment

There are 3 methods I know of;

1) UV invented by FireEYE in US now
hammamautsu makes UVTron, Also cHinese
made ones from PRC

2) Thermopile/thermocouple directly
operates valve

3) FLAME DIODE using electrodes in the
flame, this method is very cheap to do
and reliable.

Be very careful about redundant circuit and so on, this kind of thing can kill if the circuit malfunctions and gas keeps coming with flame failure. 8-(

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