i want to make bluetooth project

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But, what is exactly your question?

ok thanks,my question is can i just connect tow bluetooth usb devises to both of usb cable sides then they will get connected or do i need to design some circuit or converter,

The short answer is yes. You can connect two pc's by using two usb-bluetooth adapters and you dont need to build/modify any circuit. For this type of devices you can search "bluetooth dongles" in google. I guess you would have to set up something like an "ad hoc" connection, i.e, point-to-point connection. There are also libraries for bluetooth for programming.
I think you should first define well your problem (what I want to do exactly?) and then look for the solution.


ok,good,i mean in normal way when u connect bluetooth adapter to pc then the pc bluetooth program will deal with it and give it order for connections,but in this case i want the digital tv program like prgdvb to deal with it like its comming from the usb cable it self, the caBLE THat U CONNECT to pc to see digital tv

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ok,good,i mean in normal way when u connect bluetooth adapter to pc then the pc bluetooth program will deal with it and give it order for connections,but in this case i want the digital tv program like prgdvb to deal with it like its comming from the usb cable it self, the caBLE THat U CONNECT to pc to see digital tv

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