i want c code for pwm generation to do in PIC16f?

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Junior Member level 2
Oct 24, 2011
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hi friends,,

i am going to do fuzzy logic project to control the motor,when obstacle is detected,i am going to use two ultrasonic sensor, if left ultrasonic is detected then it will automatically slow down the left motor when right side motor is going fast. same as if right ultrasonic sensor is detected then it will automatically slow down the right motor when left motor is going fast.so please tell me how to do,what are all components required ,how to do,then i need c code for this project.pls help me to get good output and give me some snapshot to understand easily..

hi thank sir,
i got ur code,but i want to control Dc motor ,like robo vehicle,i have explained my project using ultrasonic sensor,so i need ultrasonic sensor code also.pls try it if u can.


i m going to use two ultrasonic sensor(range i.e 1 to 5 m) to find the obstacle in left and right side.if left sensor is detected then right motor will be move fast,left motor will be move slow.

specifications i meant , whether it gives a high voltage on detection or change in current, bcoz both will have different assemblies , u can scan the port as input to which it is connected and accordingly change pwm count and operate the motors

specifications i meant , whether it gives a high voltage on detection or change in current, bcoz both will have different assemblies , u can scan the port as input to which it is connected and accordingly change pwm count and operate the motors

Sir i am using the Ping))) sensor here is the datasheet **broken link removed**

i need a program in which the RB1 is made high when the sensor reads the distance as 100cm

please help me

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