I need very simple help.

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Newbie level 3
Apr 7, 2008
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Hello everyone.

I'm new here, and very new to building electronic circuits. My needs are simple, and so is my head going by my few attempts at making things light up.

I need to make 5 Infra-Red LED's light up, preferably from a mains adaptor, but battery would be fine also. I can solder, but am useless at working out circuits.

How would you suggest powering 5 of these:

**broken link removed**

I have tried replacing the LED's in a torch with these, they don't light (and neither does the normal LED I left in to test!), soldering onto a bread board, soldering a bunch directly together and attaching to a 12v 300ma supply (with two R1 resistors in series) but nothing makes them light (I'm aware I wont see it being Infra-Red, I have test markers).

If anyone could suggest a diagram, or tell me which resistors I need, anything to help me build a circuit with 5 of these LED's it would make my week.

Take care, A.

what are the part numbers for the IR's and led's

The Infra Red LED's are YH70M's from Maplins. That's all I have! I bought an LED kit too which I used to construct a circuit, but the instructions are very poor. It states voltages for each circuit but no amp hours.

Looks like you are overpowering IR's...

Heres a pic with your IR included:

Do you have a diagram of the circuit you want to design? Maybe I can help.
Also, I included an easy remote project explaning how to...


Hello. Thanks for the help, it's starting to make more sense. I did ask the people in Maplins, you can guess the results.

I can put together a simple diagram, but literally all I want to do is power five of these LED's.

Is it possible I've blown the ones I have? Looking at the internals they look fine, but I don't know how easy it is to tell.

Thanks for the help, A.

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