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How to use PSpice to change the properties and characteristics of ICs?

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Jun 5, 2005
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How do i use PSpice to change the properties,characterists of a transistor,FET,resistors,capacitors,inductors etc

Do i have to go into the PSpice programming language to change the values of the algorithms to change the properties and characterists?

What Else can i do with the PSpice programming language code instructions?

Changing the Values of the algorithms can change the results and math

what is pspice

PSpice is a PC version of spice. Spice was originally written at UC Berkeley.

PSpice was produced by Microsim which was bought by OrCad which was bought by Cadence. You can describe circuits by using netlists or by entering them by using a schematic front end. You can modify properties of passive components like resistors and capacitors pretty easily. You can also put in other components like diode and transistors -- provided that their models exist in the libraries. Most of the time you can find the simulation models on the net or by asking in forums like this.

Unless you are developing new models, you should not have to know too much about the actual spice programming engine to simulate circuits.

Normally all you need to change in the algorithms is the maximum step size and the end of simulation time. But these values can be entered from the top level schematic front end by the use of GUI forms. So you click a button and enter a few number -- it is not a big deal.

What are you intending to do with PSpice? If you want to learn about the capabilities, just to a Google search and you will come up with tons of information about PSpice. You can download a student version of the program and the PDF version of the manuals online.

Best regards and happy spicing,

changing beta of q2n2222 in orcad pspice

PSpice is like eletronic workbench or circuit maker its a schematic drawing program and then can run a simulation. I'm talking about the other side of PSpice where u can click on the component like a resistor and go inside the code and change the "Modeling", Properties, Characterists of the component

This is inside the PSpice instruction code:

Changing the Algorithms values?

How do i change the Modeling?

How do i change the Characterists?

How do i change the Properties?

For resistors,capacitors,FETs,transistors,transformers,inductors, etc

pspice model editor code

I don't know what "the other side of PSpice" means -- are you referring to the front-end schematic entry -- I thin the name of that drawing program (which is a part of PSpice) is called "Schematics".

I think what you are asking for is all here

Read the document and try it on PSpice

Also search the edaboard for PSpice -- you may find more materials.
Google search for "PSpice Tutorials" will give you tons of information.
If all else fails just start the program and "try"

Best regards,

pspice models q2n2222 different temperature

No not the Schematics". The Instruction code when u double click on the electronic component to go inside the instrunction algorithm code how do i get in the algorithm code of the components to change the values?

what is pspice ?

Are you talking about the model editor? I am getting confused here -- can you cut and paste what the text looks like? And you keep saying "algorithm" -- I don't think you can change the algorithm. Give me some more concrete information on what you are trying to do.

Best regards,

changing beta value of transistor in pspice

Does the model editor have the instruction code or PSpice code?

Added after 1 minutes:

the math to make up the component

I want to change the Math of the component like if i click on the transistor i can change the math inside the code and instructions not the schematic

what is pspice

Normally, you change a component by double-clicking on it. I think this will work for resistors capacitors, etc. In fact you should be able to click on the label of the value to change. Say you have a 10k resistor, if you click on the 10k label a window should pop up and you can change the value.

Now, for transistors and such there is either a .model statement associated with it or the transistor is modeled by a subcircuit (.subckt). In those cases if you highlight the component and then choose the model editor you should either get the .model or a .subckt appearing inside the model editor window. The problem is I don't think you can go and change the model and subcircuit parameters since in general they might depend on each other and might not represent a real component. For example, lets say you put a q2n2222 npn bjt on your schematic and you highlighted it and opened it in model editor -- you will probably see a .model statement corresponding to it. Now let's say you want to change the beta of this transistor to something else then you can go ahead and change the BF value to whatever you want but note that this might not represent a real device and if any other parameters depend on your change you might get strange behavior.

Is there a particular type of component that you want to edit -- or create?

Best regards,

Re: What is PSpice

I think the Model list has the instruction code and Pspice programming statments to change the parameter values

Transistors model parameter values u have to double click but thats just the general window to change the gain and such. To go more in depth u have to get into the instruction code and Pspice programming statements to go inside and change the parameter values how do i do this please?

Re: What is PSpice

If you can please post what you are interested in changing and I can probably help you out. Without anything specific what you are asking for is way too vague for me to give a concrete answer. If you cannot post a specific system, then the best you can do is to read the user and reference manuals. All of the manuals are available here in PDF format **broken link removed**

Maybe I am misunderstanding your question -- anyone else want to take a shot?

Best regards,

Re: What is PSpice

The equations needed for circuit analysis are fixed but you can change the values defined for the models. For example, vth0 in MOSFET. Changing the values defined for models will change the properties.

Re: What is PSpice

There is a NETLIST in PSpice where u can change the PSpice modeling values
inside the NETLIST code do u guys know anything about this NETLIST?

What is PSpice

Spice is the CAD tool mor important that we have, in this program you can simulate very circuits, if you want learn more about this tool, you should read the book of Sedra.

What is PSpice

PSpice is a tool from ORCAD big program, so you can use it as simulation of many circiuts you want,but you must insure that all of components of your circuit has (pspice templates) .
Pspice Templates is the definition of your parts or components

Re: What is PSpice

Yes thats what i been talking about is the NETLIST commands how do i use them and where do u find them in PSpice?

When using NETLIST commands its used to change the properties and characterists of the components ?

How do u get to the NETLIST commands and how do u program the NETLIST commands please?

Re: What is PSpice

walters said:
Yes thats what i been talking about is the NETLIST commands how do i use them and where do u find them in PSpice?

When using NETLIST commands its used to change the properties and characterists of the components ?

NETLIST does not change the characteristics of the components but the properties and nodes, MODELS is where u change the characteristics of the device.

How do u get to the NETLIST commands and how do u program the NETLIST commands please?

Orcad Pspice? I used version 9 I think you can still DL on this forum. I cant stand version 10 :(

In version 9.1, go to Analysis in MENU then select Examine Ouput.

Have a read at the link

Re: What is PSpice

Is there a MODELS list? and how to get to it please?

Is there a "Analysis list" to change the Analysis characterists and properties and nodes?

Re: What is PSpice

PSpice is a simulation software that can simulate electronic circuits before connectinf it on a bread board.

What is PSpice

and the program code is not a must.

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