How to use Graphics LCD?

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Member level 1
Apr 20, 2002
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s6b0108 ks0108

Anyone knows how to use a graphics LCD?

1. I found most of graphics LCD modules have Vcc, Vss and Vee. And Vee is negative. Why and how to generate this voltage?

2. I’m using an 8051 series microcontroller. How to input and display graphics, characters and glyph on LCD display? Row by row or column by column? MSB first or LSB? Need serial clock signal?

I’m using Cypress PSoC microcontroller and Samsung KS0107B and S6B0108 LCD modules. However any info related to the topic are welcome.

Thx in advance.

how to use graphic lcd

you may use a switching voltage interter circuit to generate negative supply. it is for contrast.

2. some graphic lcd panels have build in character set ROM but some panels does not have.
if there is internal character ROM, there are some special commands for printing characters but if it has no character ROM, printing characters is the same with printing graphics. You've to keep and handle font information in your host processor.

MSB/LSB, Clock differs for various LCD modules. I suppose datasheet of LCD module should explain everything you need.

s6b0108 (ks0108b)

there are several types of lcd's, from alphanumeric to graphic, with or without controller. if yours is pure graphic (ex. 320x240), without controller, parallel bus, i think an 8051 will not be capable to drive it, simply because the speed of the databus is relatively high. in the past, I made the same thing with a graphic lcd 320x240 but with a risc procesor running at 100mhz.

how to use an lcd

Thank you, guys.

Yup, the LCD display I'm using is a pure graphics one, 128pixel*128. It's a packaged one, with a few cascaded controllers. By the way, how the cascaded controllers communicate to each other? It seems they control each quarter of the LCD screen.

signal graphical lcd drive vee

there are not actually controllers...there are level shifters, parralel registers, latches, all for lcd driving.

how to use a grahics lcd display

The KS0108 And S6B0108 are different names of the same chip. They have no built in ROM for characters and have to be programmed. The fonts have to be implemented by your firmware.

And Yes, Your LCD should be having 4 chips - 2 S6B0108/KS0108 and 2 S6B0107/KS0107.

The S6B0107/KS0107 is a common driver for 64 dots and S6B0108/KS0108 is a LCD Driver for 64 dots.

You do the math and figure out:
128x128 dots, 128 / 64 com = 2 S6B0107/KS0107 and 128 / 64 pixels = 2 S6B0108/KS0108

The drivers actually control half of the display

The controllers communicate through a Serial Interface, as shown in the picture

Contact Mr. John Leung, if you need assistance. He is a member of this forum.


interfacing s6b0108 to pic

you can use two 9v batteries connecting them to series (+ve (1) connected to -ve (2)) this connection is your reference so uou could get +9v and -ve 9v

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