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How to step down 430VDC to 230VDC

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Sanath Embedded

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Jan 23, 2009
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How to step down 430VDC to 230VDC for the 70W load.

Thanks in advance.

Switching a capacitor by controled conduction time, damped by an inductor.
Take a look on SMPS concept.


Can we do without using any buck converter topology
You can use a linear regulator, resulting in about 61 W power dissipation.

right...linear conversion is gonna be tough considering the power disipation....
you can try TOPSWITCH from power integrations which can be configured as buck for these kind of high voltage applications.....

TOPSwitch-HX | Power Integrations

you can try TOPSWITCH from power integrations which can be configured as buck for these kind of high voltage applications
Should be possible somehow, but I didn't find a hint in the datasheet or application note. Are you referring to a particular application circuit?

is there any other simple technique by using some active and passive parts where in which this 230VDC can be achieved.

A simple step down transformer will do the job.

If you're looking for a simple concept...

It should be feasible to use a mosfet to chop the 430V into rapid pulses of maybe 20% duty cycle. The mosfet will be operated as a switch hence it will dissipate minimal watts.

Then you feed the pulses to a smoothing capacitor which powers your load.

By 70W I assume you mean at 230 V. That makes 304 mA, with your load 756 ohm.

There are mosfets and capacitors made to withstand the voltage.

You'll need to adjust the duty cycle carefully.

No doubt you'll get a lot of ripple. If your load won't tolerate it then the concept will take a little more work. It might benefit from having two-stage smoothing, etc.

You should use smps only. You can use standard buck or flyback converter

i was referring to this application similiar to the one in the below with link switch.......Topswitch also can be configured in the same way i believe......
Thanks for the clarification. With the said Topswitch-HX, the voltage pin V has to be supplied somehow, may be that's why buck operation isn't suggested for it.

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